
struct in Unity.IntegerTime


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule


Data-type representing a discrete time value.

Static Properties

Property Description
MaxValueThe maximum representable time.
MaxValueSecondsThe maximum representable time in seconds.
MinValueThe minimum representable time.
MinValueSecondsThe minimum representable time in seconds.
TickThe duration in seconds of a tick (the smallest representable unit of time).
ZeroThe zero value.


Property Description
ValueThe underlying discrete time value, which represents the number of discrete ticks.


Constructor Description
DiscreteTimeConstructs a discrete time from either seconds (float/double) or ticks (int/long).

Public Methods

Method Description
ToStringReturns a string representation of the time.

Static Methods

Method Description
FromTicksExplicitly converts a tick value to a DiscreteTime value.


Operator Description
operator -Returns the substraction of two time values.
operator !=Returns whether two time values are different.
operator *Returns the multiplication of two time values.
operator /A time value divided by a floating point amount.
operator +Returns the addition of two time values.
operator <Returns whether the left-hand time value is less than the right-hand one.
operator ==Returns true if the time is equal to a given time, false otherwise.
operator >Returns whether left-hand time value is greater than the right-hand one.
RationalTimeConverts a DiscreteTime to a RationalTime representation. This conversion is always lossless.
Unknown operatorReturns whether the left-hand time value is less than or equal to the right-hand one.
Unknown operatorReturns whether the left-hand time value is greater than or equal to the right-hand one.
Unknown operatorReturns the modulus of two time values.

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