
class in UnityEngine.UIElements


Inherits from:UIElements.BaseListViewController


Implemented in:UnityEngine.UIElementsModule


List view controller. View controllers of this type are meant to take care of data virtualized by any ListView inheritor.


Property Description
listView View for this controller, cast as a ListView.

Inherited Members


baseListView View for this controller, cast as a BaseListView.
itemsSource The items source stored in a non-generic list.
view The view for this controller.

Public Methods

AddItems Adds a certain amount of items at the end of the collection.
ClearItems Removes all items from the source.
Move Moves an item in the source.
NeedsDragHandle Returns whether this item needs a drag handle or not with the Animated drag mode.
RemoveItem Removes an item from the source, by index.
RemoveItems Removes items from the source, by indices.
Dispose Called when this controller is not longer needed to provide a way to release resources.
GetIdForIndex Returns the id for the specified index.
GetIndexForId Returns the index for the specified id.
GetItemForId Returns the item with the specified ID.
GetItemForIndex Returns the item with the specified index.
GetItemsCount Returns the expected item count in the source.
SetView Sets the view for this controller.

Protected Methods

RaiseItemsAdded Invokes the itemsAdded event.
RaiseItemsRemoved Invokes the itemsRemoved event.
RaiseOnSizeChanged Invokes the itemsSourceSizeChanged event.
BindItem Binds a row to an item index.
DestroyItem Destroys a VisualElement when the view is rebuilt or cleared.
MakeItem Creates a VisualElement to use in the virtualization of the collection view.
PrepareView Initialization step once the view is set.
RaiseItemIndexChanged Invokes the itemIndexChanged event.
RaiseItemsSourceChanged Invokes the itemsSourceChanged event.
SetItemsSourceWithoutNotify Set the itemsSource without raising the itemsSourceChanged event.
UnbindItem Unbinds a row to an item index.


itemsAdded Raised when an item is added to the CollectionViewController.itemsSource.
itemsRemoved Raised when an item is removed from the CollectionViewController.itemsSource.
itemsSourceSizeChanged Raised when the CollectionViewController.itemsSource size changes.
itemIndexChanged Raised when an item in the source changes index. The first argument is source index, second is destination index.
itemsSourceChanged Raised when the itemsSource changes.

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