
class in Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule


Provides methods for creating, running, and debugging jobs.

Static Properties

CacheLineSizeThe size of a cache line.
IsExecutingJobChecks if this is in a job.
JobCompilerEnabledSet whether to run jobs in Mono or Burst.
JobDebuggerEnabledSet whether to use the jobs debugger at runtime.
JobWorkerCountCurrent number of worker threads available to the Unity JobQueue.
JobWorkerMaximumCountMaximum number of worker threads available to the Unity JobQueue (Read Only).
MaxJobThreadCountThe maximum number of job threads that the job system can create.
ThreadIndexGets the index for the current thread when executing a job, otherwise 0.
ThreadIndexCountGets the maximum number of job workers that can work on a job at the same time.

Static Methods

CreateJobReflectionDataCreates job reflection data.
GetJobRangeGets the begin index and end index of a range.
GetWorkStealingRangeGets a work stealing range.
PatchBufferMinMaxRangesInjects debug checks for min and max ranges of a native array.
ResetJobWorkerCountReset JobWorkerCount to the Unity adjusted value.
ScheduleSchedules a single IJob.
ScheduleParallelForSchedules a IJobParallelFor job.
ScheduleParallelForDeferArraySizeSchedules a IJobParallelFor job.
ScheduleParallelForTransformSchedules an IJobParallelForTransform job.
ScheduleParallelForTransformReadOnlySchedules an IJobParallelForTransform job with read-only access to the transform data.

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