
struct in UnityEngine


Implemented in:UnityEngine.PhysicsModule


Creates a struct to set up parameters for batch queries: RaycastCommand, BoxcastCommand, CapsulecastCommand, SpherecastCommand.

Use this struct to configure hit flags and layer mask. This supports hit triggers, hit backfaces and hit multiple Mesh faces.

Note: Only RaycastCommand supports hitting multiple Mesh faces.

Static Properties

Property Description
DefaultCreate a default QueryParameters struct.


Property Description
hitBackfacesWhether physics queries should hit back-face triangles.
hitMultipleFacesWhether raycast batch query should hit multiple faces.
hitTriggersWhether queries hit Triggers by default.
layerMaskA LayerMask that is used to selectively ignore Colliders when casting a ray.


Constructor Description
QueryParametersStruct used to set up parameters for queries: RaycastCommand, BoxcastCommand, CapsulecastCommand, SpherecastCommand.

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