
class in UnityEditor


Utility class containing all the information necessary to format Unity Editor main window title. All the various fields are concatenated to create a fully formed title. If only ApplicationTitleDescriptor.title is provided, this will become the complete title.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class WindowTitleExample
    private static void CustomTitleBar(ApplicationTitleDescriptor desc)
        desc.title = $"My Editor Custom Title version: {Random.value}";

    [MenuItem("Test/Setup custom title bar")]
    static void Setup()
        EditorApplication.updateMainWindowTitle -= CustomTitleBar;
        // This callback will be triggered when a new scene is loaded or when Unity starts.
        EditorApplication.updateMainWindowTitle += CustomTitleBar;


Property Description
activeSceneNameUnity active scene.
codeCoverageEnabledIs code coverage enabled.
projectNameCurrent project name.
targetNameWhat is the runtime target for a Unity build.
titleSetting this field will set the complete editor title without using any of the other fields of ApplicationTitleDescriptor.
unityProductNameUnity version name in the form of: Unity <number> <release stream (optional)>.
unityVersionUnity version number.

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