
class in UnityEditor


Contains all drawable elements of the CameraEditor.

Use this class to access the renderable settings for the CameraEditor. This can be used as a helper to draw a custom CameraEditor.


Property Description
allowDynamicResolutionExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
allowMSAAExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
anamorphismExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
apertureExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
backgroundColorExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
barrelClippingExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
bladeCountExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
clearFlagsExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
cullingMaskExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
curvatureExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
depthExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
farClippingPlaneExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
focalLengthExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
focusDistanceExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
fovAxisModeExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
gateFitExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
HDRExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
isoExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
lensShiftExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
nearClippingPlaneExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
normalizedViewPortRectExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
occlusionCullingExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
orthographicExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
orthographicSizeExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
renderingPathExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
sensorSizeExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
shutterSpeedExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
stereoConvergenceExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
stereoSeparationExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
targetDisplayExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
targetEyeExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
targetTextureExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.
verticalFOVExposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera.

Public Methods

Method Description
ApplyModifiedPropertiesSee SerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties.
DrawBackgroundColorDraws the default [[CameraEditor] background color widget.
DrawClearFlagsDraws the default [[CameraEditor] clear flags widget.
DrawClippingPlanesDraws the default [[CameraEditor] clipping planes widget.
DrawCullingMaskDraws the default [[CameraEditor] culling mask widget.
DrawDepthDraws the default [[CameraEditor] depth widget.
DrawDynamicResolutionDraws the default [[CameraEditor] dynamic resolution widget.
DrawHDRDraws the default [[CameraEditor] HDR widget.
DrawMSAADraws the default [[CameraEditor] MSAA widget.
DrawMultiDisplayDraws the default [[CameraEditor] muliple display widget.
DrawNormalizedViewPortDraws the default [[CameraEditor] viewport widget.
DrawOcclusionCullingDraws the default [[CameraEditor] occlusion culling widget.
DrawProjectionDraws the default [[CameraEditor] projection widget.
DrawRenderingPathDraws the default [[CameraEditor] rendering path widget.
DrawTargetEyeDraws the default [[CameraEditor] target eye widget.
DrawTargetTextureDraws the default [[CameraEditor] target texture widget.
OnEnablePopulate the settings object with data linked to the Camera SerializedObject.
UpdateSee SerializedObject.Update.

Static Methods

Method Description
DrawCameraWarningsDraws the default [[CameraEditor] warnings issued by a camera.

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