Object to draw 2D vector graphics.
The example below demonstrates how to use the Painter2D class to draw content in a VisualElement with
the VisualElement.generateVisualContent callback.
You can also create a standalone Painter2D.Painter2D object to draw content offscreen,
and use the Painter2D.SaveToVectorImage method to save the painter content in a VectorImage asset.
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements;
[RequireComponent(typeof(UIDocument))] public class Painter2DExample : MonoBehaviour { public void OnEnable() { var doc = GetComponent<UIDocument>(); doc.rootVisualElement.generateVisualContent += Draw; }
void Draw(MeshGenerationContext ctx) { var painter = ctx.painter2D; painter.lineWidth = 10.0f; painter.lineCap = LineCap.Round; painter.strokeGradient = new Gradient() { colorKeys = new GradientColorKey[] { new GradientColorKey() { color = Color.red, time = 0.0f }, new GradientColorKey() { color = Color.blue, time = 1.0f } } }; painter.BeginPath(); painter.MoveTo(new Vector2(10, 10)); painter.BezierCurveTo(new Vector2(100, 100), new Vector2(200, 0), new Vector2(300, 100)); painter.Stroke(); } }
Property | Description |
fillColor | The color used for fill paths when using Fill. |
lineCap | The cap to use when drawing paths using Stroke. |
lineJoin | The join to use when drawing paths using Stroke. |
lineWidth | The line width of draw paths when using Stroke. |
miterLimit | When using LineJoin.Miter joins, this defines the limit on the ratio of the miter length to the stroke width before converting the miter to a bevel. |
strokeColor | The color of draw paths when using Stroke. |
strokeGradient | The stroke gradient to use when using Stroke. |
Constructor | Description |
Painter2D | Initializes an instance of Painter2D. |
Method | Description |
Arc | Adds an arc to the current sub-path to the provided position, radius and angles. |
ArcTo | Adds an arc to the current sub-path to the provided position using a control point. |
BeginPath | Begins a new path and empties the list of recorded sub-paths. |
BezierCurveTo | Adds a cubic bezier curve to the current sub-path to the provided position using two control points. |
Clear | When created as a detached painter, clears the current content. Does nothing otherwise. |
ClosePath | Closes the current sub-path with a straight line. If the sub-path is already closed, this does nothing. |
Dispose | Dispose the Painter2D object and free its internal unmanaged resources. |
Fill | Fills the currently defined path. |
LineTo | Adds a straight line to the current sub-path to the provided position. |
MoveTo | Begins a new sub-path at the provied coordinate. |
QuadraticCurveTo | Adds a quadratic bezier curve to the current sub-path to the provided position using a control point. |
SaveToVectorImage | Saves the content of this Painter2D to a VectorImage object. |
Stroke | Strokes the currently defined path. |