Method |
Description |
Contains |
Determines if a specified node is in the hierarchy flattened.
Dispose |
Disposes this object to release its memory.
EnumerateChildren |
Gets an enumerable of children HierarchyNode for the specified node.
GetChildrenCount |
Gets the number of child nodes that a hierarchy node has.
GetChildrenCountRecursive |
Gets the number of child nodes that a hierarchy node has, including children of children.
GetDepth |
Determines the depth of a node.
GetEnumerator |
Gets the HierarchyFlattenedNode enumerator.
GetNextSibling |
Gets the next sibling of a node.
GetParent |
Gets the parent of a hierarchy node.
IndexOf |
Gets the zero-based index of a specified node.
Update |
Updates the flattened hierarchy and requests a rebuild of the list of HierarchyFlattenedNode from the Hierarchy topology.
UpdateIncremental |
Updates the flattened hierarchy incrementally.
UpdateIncrementalTimed |
Incrementally updates the flattened hierarchy until a time limit is reached.