


Value used to signify some changes in the VisualElement


Property Description
Bindings Some data was bound
ViewData persistent data ready
Hierarchy changes to hierarchy
Layout changes to properties that may have an impact on layout
StyleSheet changes to StyleSheet, USS class
Styles changes to styles
Overflow changes to the overflow
BorderRadius changes to the border radis
BorderWidth changes to the border width
Transform changes that may impact the world transform (e.g. laid out position, local transform)
Size changes to the size of the element after layout has been performed, without taking the local transform into account
Repaint The visuals of the element have changed
Opacity The opacity of the element have changed
Color Some color of the element has changed (background-color, border-color, etc.)
RenderHints Some render hints were changed
TransitionProperty The 'transition-property' style of the element has changed (impacts cancelling of ongoing style transitions)
EventCallbackCategories The combined registered callbacks' EventCategory values has changed
DisableRendering The DisableRendering flag has changed
BindingRegistration Add or remove a binding was requested
DataSource The data source of the element was changed
Picking Some property changed that potentially invalidates cached Picking results

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