
struct in UnityEngine.Rendering


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule


Represents a procedural draw command for a BatchRendererGroup.

This type of draw command has a reference to a material, but all vertex data is fetched procedurally by the shader.


Property Description
baseVertexBase vertex
batchIDThe batch ID that this draw command uses. Determines the metadata values that are available to a shader.
elementCountNumber of elements (indices or vertices) to draw
flagsSpecifies rendering options for the draw command.
indexBufferHandleHandle of an index buffer to use for indexed drawing.
indexOffsetBytesOffset into the index buffer where indices will be read from, when issuing indexed draws.
lightmapIndexThe index of the baked lightmap used in this draw command. If lightmap texture arrays are enabled, this value is always -1 (0xFFFF).
materialIDIdentifies which Material to use to render the instances in this draw command.
sortingPositionTogether with BatchDrawCommand.flags, this specifies how to depth sort the instances in this draw command.
splitVisibilityMaskIndicates which splits that the draw command is visible in.
topologyThe primitive topology to use when executing the draw command.
visibleCountThe number of instances to draw with this draw command. This must be a value greater than 1.
visibleOffsetThe index of the element in BatchCullingOutputDrawCommands.visibleInstances that matches the first instance in this draw command.

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