Represents the capability types you can configure in a PBXProject.
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Callbacks; using UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode;
public class Sample_AddCapability { [PostProcessBuild] public static void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildTarget buildTarget, string pathToBuiltProject) {
// Stop processing if build target is not iOS if (buildTarget != BuildTarget.iOS) return;
// Initialize PBXProject string projectPath = PBXProject.GetPBXProjectPath(pathToBuiltProject);
PBXProject pbxProject = new PBXProject(); pbxProject.ReadFromFile(projectPath);
// Get GUIDs for UnityFramework and Main targets string mainTargetGuid = pbxProject.GetUnityMainTargetGuid(); string unityFrameworkTargetGuid = pbxProject.GetUnityFrameworkTargetGuid();
// Create an entitlements file for your capability string entitlementsFileName = "Example.entitlements";
PlistDocument plistDocument = new PlistDocument(); plistDocument.Create();
PlistElementDict rootDict = plistDocument.root; rootDict.SetString("", "Default");
plistDocument.WriteToFile(Path.Combine(pathToBuiltProject, entitlementsFileName));
// Add 'Sign in with Apple' capability to the proejct with the entitlements file specified pbxProject.AddCapability(mainTargetGuid, PBXCapabilityType.SignInWithApple, entitlementsFileName);
// Apply changes to the pbxproj file pbxProject.WriteToFile(projectPath); }
Property | Description |
AccessWiFiInformation | Definition of the Access WiFi Information capability requirements. |
AppAttest | Definition of the App Attest capability requirements. |
AppGroups | Definition of the App Groups capability requirements. |
ApplePay | Definition of the Apple Pay capability requirements. |
ApplePayLaterMerchandising | Definition of the Apple Pay Later Merchandising capability requirements. |
AppTransportSecurityException | Definition of the App Transport Security Exception capability requirements. |
AssociatedDomains | Definition of the Associated Domains capability requirements. |
AutoFillCredentialProvider | Definition of the Auto Fill Credential Provider capability requirements. |
BackgroundModes | Definition of the Background Modes capability requirements. |
ClassKit | Definition of the ClassKit capability requirements. |
CommunicationNotifications | Definition of the Communication Notifications capability requirements. |
DataProtection | Definition of the Data Protection capability requirements. |
ExtendedVirtualAddressing | Definition of the Extended Virtual Addressing capability requirements. |
FamilyControls | Definition of the Family Controls capability requirements. |
FileProviderTestingMode | Definition of the File Provider Testing Mode capability requirements. |
Fonts | Definition of the Fonts capability requirements. |
GameCenter | Definition of the GameCenter capability requirements. |
GameControllers | Definition of the Game Controllers capability requirements. |
GameControllersTVOS | Definition of the tvOS Game Controller capability requirements. |
GroupActivities | Definition of the Group Activities capability requirements. |
HealthKit | Definition of the HealthKit capability requirements. |
HealthKitEstimateRecalibration | Definition of the HealthKit Estimate Recalibration capability requirements. |
HomeKit | Definition of the HomeKit capability requirements. |
Hotspot | Definition of the Hotspot capability requirements. |
iCloud | Definition of the iCloud capability requirements. |
InAppPurchase | Definition of the In-App Purchase capability requirements. |
IncreasedMemoryLimit | Definition of the Increased Memory Limit capability requirements. |
InterAppAudio | Definition of the Inter-App Audio capability requirements. |
JournalingSuggestions | Definition of the Journaling Suggestions capability requirements. |
KeychainSharing | Definition of the Keychain Sharing capability requirements. |
ManagedAppInstallationUI | Definition of the Managed App Installation UI capability requirements. |
ManageThreadNetworkCredentials | Definition of the Manage Thread Network Credentials capability requirements. |
Maps | Definition of the Maps capability requirements. |
MatterAllowSetupPayload | Definition of the Matter Allow Setup Payload capability requirements. |
MDMManagedAssociatedDomains | Definition of the MDM Managed Associated Domains capability requirements. |
MessagesCollaboration | Definition of the Messages Collaboration capability requirements. |
Multipath | Definition of the Multipath capability requirements. |
NearFieldCommunication | Definition of the Near Field Communication (NFC) Tag Reading capability requirements. |
NetworkExtensions | Definition of the Network Extensions capability requirements. |
NetworkSlicing5G | Definition of the 5G Network Slicing capability requirements. |
PersonalVPN | Definition of the Personal VPN capability requirements. |
PushNotifications | Definition of the Push Notifications capability requirements. |
PushToTalk | Definition of the Push To Talk capability requirements. |
SensitiveContentAnalysis | Definition of the Sensitive Content Analysis capability requirements. |
ShallowDepthAndPressure | Definition of the Shallow Depth And Pressure capability requirements. |
SharedWithYou | Definition of the Shared With You capability requirements. |
SignInWithApple | Definition of the Sign in with Apple capability requirements. |
Siri | Definition of the Siri capability requirements. |
SustainedExecution | Definition of the Sustained Execution capability requirements. |
TapToPresentIDOniPhone | Definition of the Tap to Present ID on iPhone (Display Only) capability requirements. |
TimeSensitiveNotifications | Definition of the Time Sensitive Notifications capability requirements. |
Wallet | Definition of the Wallet capability requirements. |
WeatherKit | Definition of the WeatherKit capability requirements. |
WirelessAccessoryConfiguration | Definition of the Wireless Accessory Configuration capability requirements. |
Property | Description |
frameworks | Specifies frameworks required by the capability. |
optionalFramework | Specifies an optional framework a capability may use. |
requiresEntitlements | Specifies if a capability requires entitlements. |
Constructor | Description |
PBXCapabilityType | This object represents what a capability changes in the PBXProject file. |