class in Unity.Android.Gradle.Manifest
Inherits from:Unity.Android.Gradle.Manifest.BaseAttributesContainer
The attributes container for the <activity>
Property | Description |
AllowEmbedded | The C# definition of the android:allowEmbedded Android Manifest attribute. |
AllowTaskReparenting | The C# definition of the android:allowTaskReparenting Android Manifest attribute. |
AlwaysRetainTaskState | The C# definition of the android:alwaysRetainTaskState Android Manifest attribute. |
AutoRemoveFromRecents | The C# definition of the android:autoRemoveFromRecents Android Manifest attribute. |
Banner | The C# definition of the android:banner Android Manifest attribute. |
ClearTaskOnLaunch | The C# definition of the android:clearTaskOnLaunch Android Manifest attribute. |
ColorMode | The C# definition of the android:colorMode Android Manifest attribute. |
ConfigChanges | The C# definition of the android:configChanges Android Manifest attribute. |
DirectBootAware | The C# definition of the android:directBootAware Android Manifest attribute. |
DocumentLaunchMode | The C# definition of the android:documentLaunchMode Android Manifest attribute. |
Enabled | The C# definition of the android:enabled Android Manifest attribute. |
ExcludeFromRecents | The C# definition of the android:excludeFromRecents Android Manifest attribute. |
Exported | The C# definition of the android:exported Android Manifest attribute. |
FinishOnTaskLaunch | The C# definition of the android:finishOnTaskLaunch Android Manifest attribute. |
HardwareAccelerated | The C# definition of the android:hardwareAccelerated Android Manifest attribute. |
Icon | The C# definition of the android:icon Android Manifest attribute. |
Immersive | The C# definition of the android:immersive Android Manifest attribute. |
Label | The C# definition of the android:label Android Manifest attribute. |
LaunchMode | The C# definition of the android:launchMode Android Manifest attribute. |
LockTaskMode | The C# definition of the android:lockTaskMode Android Manifest attribute. |
MaxAspectRatio | The C# definition of the android:maxAspectRatio Android Manifest attribute. |
MaxRecents | The C# definition of the android:maxRecents Android Manifest attribute. |
Multiprocess | The C# definition of the android:multiprocess Android Manifest attribute. |
Name | The C# definition of the android:name Android Manifest attribute. |
NoHistory | The C# definition of the android:noHistory Android Manifest attribute. |
ParentActivityName | The C# definition of the android:parentActivityName Android Manifest attribute. |
Permission | The C# definition of the android:permission Android Manifest attribute. |
PersistableMode | The C# definition of the android:persistableMode Android Manifest attribute. |
Process | The C# definition of the android:process Android Manifest attribute. |
RelinquishTaskIdentity | The C# definition of the android:relinquishTaskIdentity Android Manifest attribute. |
ResizeableActivity | The C# definition of the resizeableActivity Android Manifest attribute. |
ScreenOrientation | The C# definition of the android:screenOrientation Android Manifest attribute. |
ShowForAllUsers | The C# definition of the android:showForAllUsers Android Manifest attribute. |
StateNotNeeded | The C# definition of the android:stateNotNeeded Android Manifest attribute. |
SupportsPictureInPicture | The C# definition of the supportsPictureInPicture Android Manifest attribute. |
TaskAffinity | The C# definition of the android:taskAffinity Android Manifest attribute. |
Theme | The C# definition of the android:theme Android Manifest attribute. |
UiOptions | The C# definition of the android:uiOptions Android Manifest attribute. |
WindowSoftInputMode | The C# definition of the android:windowSoftInputMode Android Manifest attribute. |
Property | Description |
ToolsNode | The C# definition of the tools:node Android Manifest attribute. |
ToolsRemove | The C# definition of the tools:remove Android Manifest attribute. |
ToolsReplace | The C# definition of the tools:replace Android Manifest attribute. |
ToolsSelector | The C# definition of the tools:selector Android Manifest attribute. |
ToolsStrict | The C# definition of the tools:strict Android Manifest attribute. |