This struct acts like a handle for accessing a file loaded by ContentLoadInterface.LoadContentFileAsync. You can use it to access the status and results of the load operation.
Property | Description |
GlobalTableDependency | This ContentFile can be passed as a dependency to ContentLoadInterface.LoadContentFileAsync or ContentLoadInterface.LoadSceneAsync to indicate that the external file dependencies should be resolved through the global PersistentManager table. For example, this could be used when the ContentFile references a file loaded through the PersistentManager such as "unity default resources". |
Property | Description |
IsValid | Returns true if the ContentFile handle is valid. |
LoadingStatus | The loading status of the ContentFile. |
Method | Description |
GetObject | Used to access objects within the ContentFile by local file identifier. |
GetObjects | This function can be used to access all the Objects loaded in the ContentFile. |
UnloadAsync | Begin an asynchronous unload of the ContentFile. |
WaitForCompletion | Blocks on the main thread until the load operation completes. This function can be slow and so should be used carefully to avoid frame rate stuttering. |