
class in UnityEditor.Overlays

Implements interfaces:ISerializationCallbackReceiver


OverlayCanvas is a container for collections of Overlays.

Every EditorWindow has an OverlayCanvas, but only windows that opt-in to Overlay support will display Overlays. See ISupportsOverlays for more information.


Property Description
overlaysThe Overlays in this canvas.
overlaysEnabledReturns true if overlays display in the window, or false if overlays are hidden.

Public Methods

Method Description
AddAdd an Overlay to this canvas. Added Overlays will be displayed in the associated EditorWindow until they are removed.
OnAfterDeserializeInvoked after OverlayCanvas is deserialized.
OnBeforeSerializeInvoked before OverlayCanvas will be serialized. This is used to store Overlay layout data.
RemoveRemove an Overlay from this canvas. Removed Overlays are disassociated from OverlayCanvas and the related EditorWindow, but not destroyed. This means you are able to move a single Overlay between multiple windows.
ResetOverlayResets the overlay to its default state.
RestoreOverlayRestores Overlay state according to the data parameter.
ShowPopupDisplays an overlay as a pop-up in a EditorWindow.
ShowPopupAtMouseDisplays an overlay as a pop-up in a EditorWindow at the mouse position.

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