GameObject Constructor

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public GameObject();


public GameObject(string name);


public GameObject(string name, params Type[] components);


name The name of the GameObject, specified as a string. The name is stored in the name property of the GameObject.
components The components to attach, specified as an array of types that inherit from Component.


Creates a new GameObject, with optional parameters to specify a name and set of components to attach.

Use the constructor with no arguments to create a GameObject with an empty name property and only a Transform component attached.

Use the constructor with name parameter to create a GameObject with the specified value as the name property and only a Transform component attached.

Use the constructor with name and components parameters to create a GameObject with the specified name and the specified components attached, in addition to the Transform component.

using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { private void Start() { GameObject exampleOne = new GameObject(); = "GameObject1"; exampleOne.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();

GameObject exampleTwo = new GameObject("GameObject2"); exampleTwo.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();

GameObject exampleThree = new GameObject("GameObject3", typeof(Rigidbody), typeof(BoxCollider)); } }

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