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class in UnityEngine.UIElements


Implemented in:UnityEngine.UIElementsModule


Object to draw 2D vector graphics. Do not instantiate this class directly. Access it from the MeshGenerationContext.painter2D property.


fillColor The color used for fill paths when using Fill.
lineCap The cap to use when drawing paths using Stroke.
lineJoin The join to use when drawing paths using Stroke.
lineWidth The line width of draw paths when using Stroke.
miterLimit When using LineJoin.Miter joins, this defines the limit on the ratio of the miter length to the stroke width before converting the miter to a bevel.
strokeColor The color of draw paths when using Stroke.

Public Methods

Arc Adds an arc to the current sub-path to the provided position, radius and angles.
ArcTo Adds an arc to the current sub-path to the provided position using a control point.
BeginPath Begins a new path and empties the list of recorded sub-paths and resets the pen position to (0,0).
BezierCurveTo Adds a cubic bezier curve to the current sub-path to the provided position using two control points.
ClosePath Closes the current sub-path with a straight line. If the sub-path is already closed, this does nothing.
Fill Fills the currently defined path. The fill rule (non-zero or odd-even) to use. Default is non-zero.
LineTo Adds a straight line to the current sub-path to the provided position.
MoveTo Begins a new sub-path at the provied coordinate.
QuadraticCurveTo Adds a quadratic bezier curve to the current sub-path to the provided position using a control point.
Stroke Strokes the currently defined path.