Contains all drawable elements of the CameraEditor.
Use this class to access the renderable settings for the CameraEditor. This can be used as a helper to draw a custom CameraEditor.
allowDynamicResolution | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
allowMSAA | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
backgroundColor | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
clearFlags | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
cullingMask | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
depth | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
farClippingPlane | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
fieldOfView | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
focalLength | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
HDR | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
lensShift | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
nearClippingPlane | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
normalizedViewPortRect | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
occlusionCulling | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
orthographic | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
orthographicSize | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
renderingPath | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
sensorSize | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
stereoConvergence | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
stereoSeparation | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
targetDisplay | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
targetEye | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
targetTexture | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
ApplyModifiedProperties | See SerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties. |
DrawBackgroundColor | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] background color widget. |
DrawClearFlags | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] clear flags widget. |
DrawClippingPlanes | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] clipping planes widget. |
DrawCullingMask | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] culling mask widget. |
DrawDepth | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] depth widget. |
DrawDynamicResolution | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] dynamic resolution widget. |
DrawHDR | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] HDR widget. |
DrawMSAA | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] MSAA widget. |
DrawMultiDisplay | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] muliple display widget. |
DrawNormalizedViewPort | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] viewport widget. |
DrawOcclusionCulling | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] occlusion culling widget. |
DrawProjection | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] projection widget. |
DrawRenderingPath | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] rendering path widget. |
DrawTargetEye | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] target eye widget. |
DrawTargetTexture | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] target texture widget. |
DrawVR | Draws the default [[CameraEditor] VR widget. |
OnEnable | Populate the settings object with data linked to the Camera SerializedObject. |
Update | See SerializedObject.Update. |
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