Render Texture Inspector window reference

Custom Render Texture Inspector window reference

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The Custom Render Textures InspectorA Unity window that displays information about the currently selected GameObject, asset or project settings, allowing you to inspect and edit the values. More info
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window displays many of the same properties as the Render TextureA special type of Texture that is created and updated at runtime. To use them, first create a new Render Texture and designate one of your Cameras to render into it. Then you can use the Render Texture in a Material just like a regular Texture. More info
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Inspector, and some properties specific to Custom Render Textures.

Render Texture:

Property: Function:
Dimension Dimension of the Render Texture.
     2D Makes the Render Texture two-dimensional.
     Cube Makes the Render Texture a cube map.
     3D Makes the Render Texture three-dimensional.
Size The size of the Render Texture in pixelsThe smallest unit in a computer image. Pixel size depends on your screen resolution. Pixel lighting is calculated at every screen pixel. More info
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Color Format The format of the Render Texture.
sRGB (Color Render Texture) Enable to allow the Render Texture to use sRGB read/write conversions (Read Only).
Mipmap Enable this property to allow the Render Texture to use a mipmap.
Auto-generate Enable this property to automatically generate the mipmap to use.
Wrap Mode Defines how the Texture behaves when tiled.
     Repeat The Texture repeats itself as a tile.
     Clamp Unity stretches the edges of the Texture.
Filter Mode Defines how Unity filters the Texture when it is stretched by 3D transformations.
     Point The Texture becomes blocky up close.
     Bilinear The Texture becomes blurry up close.
     Trilinear Like Bilinear, but the Texture also blurs between different mipmap levels.
Aniso LevelThe anisotropic filtering (AF) level of a texture. Allows you to increase texture quality when viewing a texture at a steep angle. Good for floor and ground textures. More info
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Increases Texture quality when viewing the texture at a steep angle. Good for floor and ground textures.

Custom Texture:

These properties are exclusive to Custom Render Textures. Custom Texture parameters are separated into three categories:

  • Material: Defines what shaderA program that runs on the GPU. More info
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    is used to update the texture.

  • Initialization: Controls how the texture is initialized before the shader performs any updates.

  • Update: Controls how the shader updates the texture.

Property: Function:
MaterialAn asset that defines how a surface should be rendered. More info
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The Material that Unity uses to update the Custom Render Texture.
     Shader Pass The Shader Pass that Unity uses to update the Custom Render Texture. The drop-down shows all passes available in your Material.
Initialization Mode The rate at which Unity initializes the texture.
     OnLoad Unity initializes the texture once upon creation.
     Realtime Unity initializes the texture every frame.
     OnDemand Unity initializes the texture on demand from the script.
Source How Unity texture initializes the texture.
     Texture and Color Unity uses a texture multiplied by a color to initialize the texture.
         Initialization Color Defines the color that Unity uses to initialize the Custom Render Texture. If you also provide an Initialization Texture, Unity uses the multiplication of the color and the texture to initialize the Custom Render Texture.
         Initialization Texture Defines the texture that Unity uses to initialize the Custom Render Texture. If you also provide an Initialization Color, Unity uses the multiplication of the color and the texture to initialize the Custom Render Texture.
     Material Unity uses a Material to initialize the texture.
         Initialization Material Defines the Material that Unity uses to initialize the Custom Render Texture.
Update Mode The rate at which the shader updates the Custom Render Texture.
     OnLoad The shader updates the texture once upon creation.
     Realtime The shader updates the texture every frame.
     OnDemand The shader updates the texture on demand from script.
Period The amount of time in seconds over which Unity updates a real-time texture. A value of 0.0 updates every frame. This property is only available when the Update Mode to property is set to Realtime.
Double Buffered Double-buffers the texture. Each update swaps the two buffers. This allows you to read the result of the preceding update in the shader.
Wrap Update Zones Enable to allow partial update zones to wrap around the border of the texture.
Cubemap Faces (Cubemap only) Series of toggle allowing user to enable/disable update on each of the cube map faces.
Update Zone Space The coordinate system where Unity defines the update zones.
     Normalized All coordinates and sizes are between 0 and 1 with the top-left corner starting at (0, 0).
     Pixel All coordinates and sizes are expressed in pixels limited by the width and height of the texture. Top-left corner starting at (0, 0).
Update Zone List List of update zones for the texture. For more information, see Update Zones.

Exporting Custom Render Texture to a file

You can export Custom Render Textures to a PNG or EXR file (depending on the texture format) in the Export menu.

Update Zones

Property: Function:
Center The coordinates of the center of the update zone..
Size The size of the update zone.
Rotation The orientation of the update zone in degrees (unavailable for 3D textures).
Shader Pass Defines the Shader Pass to use for this update zone. If you set this property as default, this update zone uses the Shader Pass that you defined in the main part of the inspector. Otherwise it will use the Shader Pass you provide.
Swap (Double Buffer) (Only for Double Buffered textures) When you enable this property, Unity swaps the buffers before processing this update zone.

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  • Render Texture Inspector window reference