Version: Unity 6 (6000.0)
Language : English
Compute shaders in the render graph system in URP
Create input data for a compute shader in URP

Run a compute shader in a render pass in URP

To create a render pass that runs a compute shaderA program that runs on the GPU. More info
See in Glossary
, do the following:

  1. Set up the render pass to use a compute shader.
  2. Add an output buffer.
  3. Pass in and execute the compute shader.
  4. Get the output data from the output buffer.

To check if a platform supports compute shaders, use the SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders API

Set up the render pass to use a compute shader

When you create a ScriptableRenderPass, do the following:

  1. Use AddComputePass instead of AddRasterRenderPass.
  2. Use ComputeGraphContext instead of RasterGraphContext.

For example:

class ComputePass : ScriptableRenderPass

    public override void RecordRenderGraph(RenderGraph renderGraph, ContextContainer contextData)
        // Use AddComputePass instead of AddRasterRenderPass.
        using (var builder = renderGraph.AddComputePass("MyComputePass", out PassData data))

            // Use ComputeGraphContext instead of RasterGraphContext.
            builder.SetRenderFunc((PassData data, ComputeGraphContext context) => ExecutePass(data, context));


Add an output buffer

To create a buffer the compute shader outputs to, follow these steps:

  1. Create a graphics buffer, then add a handle to it in your pass data.

    // Declare an output buffer
    public GraphicsBuffer outputBuffer;
    // Add a handle to the output buffer in your pass data
    class PassData
        public BufferHandle output;
    // Create the buffer in the render pass constructor
    public ComputePass(ComputeShader computeShader)
        // Create the output buffer as a structured buffer
        // Create the buffer with a length of 5 integers, so the compute shader can output 5 values.
        outputBuffer = new GraphicsBuffer(GraphicsBuffer.Target.Structured, 5, sizeof(int));
  2. Use the ImportBuffer render graph API to convert the buffer to a handle the render graph system can use, then set the BufferHandle field in the pass data. For example:

    BufferHandle outputHandleRG = renderGraph.ImportBuffer(outputBuffer);
    passData.output = outputHandleRG;
  3. Use the UseBuffer method to set the buffer as a writeable buffer in the render graph system.

    builder.UseBuffer(passData.output, AccessFlags.Write);

Pass in and execute the compute shader

Follow these steps:

  1. Pass the compute shader to the render pass. For example, in a ScriptableRendererFeature class, expose a ComputeShader property, then pass the compute shader into the render pass class.

  2. Add a ComputeShader field to your pass data, and set it to the compute shader. For example:

    // Add a `ComputeShader` field to your pass data
    class PassData
        public ComputeShader computeShader;
    // Set the `ComputeShader` field to the compute shader
    passData.computeShader = yourComputeShader;
  3. In your SetRenderFunc method, use the SetComputeBufferParam API to attach the buffer to the compute shader. For example:

    // The first parameter is the compute shader
    // The second parameter is the function that uses the buffer
    // The third parameter is the StructuredBuffer output variable to attach the buffer to
    // The fourth parameter is the handle to the output buffer
    context.cmd.SetComputeBufferParam(passData.computeShader, passData.computeShader.FindKernel("Main"), "outputData", passData.output);
  4. Use the DispatchCompute API to execute the compute shader.

    context.cmd.DispatchCompute(passData.computeShader, passData.computeShader.FindKernel("CSMain"), 1, 1, 1);

Get the output data from the output buffer

To fetch the data from the output buffer, use the GraphicsBuffer.GetData API.

You can only fetch the data after the render pass executes and the compute shader finishes running.

For example:

// Create an array to store the output data
outputData = new int[5];

// Copy the output data from the output buffer to the array


For a full example, refer to the example called Compute in the render graph system URP package samples.

Additional resources

Compute shaders in the render graph system in URP
Create input data for a compute shader in URP