Version: Unity 6 (6000.0)
Language : English
Audio Parametric Equalizer Effect
Audio Chorus Effect

Audio Pitch Shifter Effect

The Audio Pitch Shifter Effect is used to shift a signal up or down in pitch.


Property: Function:
Pitch The pitch multiplier (range 0.5 x to 2.0 x, default 1.0 x).
FFT Size The size of the FFT window used to analyze the audio signal during pitch shifting (range 256.0 to 4096.0, default = 1024.0). Higher values reduce smearing but require more processing power.
Overlap How much each successive FFT window overlaps (range 1 to 32, default = 4). Higher values mean smoother transitions, but increasing this property by a value of 2 doubles the CPU usage.
Max channels The maximum number of channels (range 0 to 16, default = 0 channels).


Audio Parametric Equalizer Effect
Audio Chorus Effect