Your search for "collision detection 2d" resulted in 52 matches:

Collision detection

Collision detection

Discrete collision detection

Discrete collision detection

Layer-based collision detection

Layer-based collision detection

Introduction to Rigidbody 2D

Any Collider 2D component added to the same GameObject or child GameObject is implicitly attached to that Rigidbody 2D GameObje...

Spring Joint 2D

Enable Collision Enable this property to enable collisions between the two connected GameObjects.

Wheel Joint 2D

Enable Collision Enable this property to enable collisions between the two connected GameObjects.

Collider 2D

When you attach a collider 2D component to a GameObject, the collider 2D defines which area of the GameObject has collision and...

Choose a collision detection mode

Choose a collision detection mode

Continuous collision detection (CCD)

Continuous collision detection (CCD)

Box Collider 2D component reference

The Box Collider 2D component is a Collider 2D that interacts with the 2D physics system for collision detection. This collider...

Circle Collider 2D component reference

The Circle Collider 2D component is a Collider 2D that interacts with the 2D physics system for collision detection. This colli...

Distance Joint 2D component reference

Enable Collision Enable this property to enable collisions between the two connected GameObjects.

Fixed Joint 2D component reference

Enable Collision Enable this property to enable collisions between the two connected GameObjects.

Friction Joint 2D component reference

Enable Collision Enable this property to enable collisions between the two connected GameObjects.

Relative Joint 2D component reference

Enable Collision Enable this property to enable collisions between the two connected GameObjects.

Buoyancy Effector 2D reference

Use Collider Mask Check this box to enable the 'Collider Mask' property. If this is not enabled, the Global Collision Matrix ...

Surface Effector 2D reference

Use Collider Mask Enable this to use the Collider Mask property. If this not enabled, the global collision matrix will be use...

Dynamic Body Type

Collision Detection Define how collisions between Collider 2Ds are detected.

Kinematic Body Type reference

Collision Detection Define how collisions between Collider 2Ds are detected.

Rigidbody component reference

Collision Detection Define how the physics system detects collisions between this Rigidbody’s collider and other colliders in...


Layer Collision Matrix Define how the layer-based collision detection system behaves. To select which layers on the Collision...


Layer-based collision detection How to use layers when configuring collisions.

Sweep-based CCD

Continuous** and Continuous Dynamic are the most accurate collision detection modes. However, they are also the most computatio...

Work with multiple outlines

A Sprite’s physics shape can contain multiple separate outlines. This is useful if only specific areas of a Sprite need a Colli...

Animation Parameters

Here's an example of a script that modifies parameters based on user input and collision detection.

Box collider component reference

The Layer Overrides section provides properties that allow you to override the project-wide Layer-based collision detection set...

Enable conservative rasterization in a shader

Rasterization is a rendering technique that converts vector data (triangle projections) to pixel data (render target) by determ...

Mesh collider component reference

The Mesh collider takes a Mesh Asset and builds a collider that matches the geometry of that Mesh. It is more accurate for coll...

Mesh colliders

The Mesh collider takes a Mesh Asset and builds a collider that matches the geometry of that Mesh. It is more accurate for coll...

Physics Profiler module

Discreet Overlaps The number of overlap events which Unity used discrete collision detection to solve.

Profiler counters reference

Continuous Overlaps The number of overlap events which Unity used continuous collision detection to solve. Unavailable

Speculative CCD

Speculative collision detection is the CCD algorithm for Continuous Speculative mode.

Sphere collider component reference

The Layer Overrides section provides properties that allow you to override the project-wide Layer-based collision detection set...

Terrain collider component reference

The Layer Overrides section provides properties that allow you to override the project-wide Layer-based collision detection set...

Wheel collider component reference

The Wheel collider is a collider for ground vehicles. It has built-in collision detection, wheel physics, and a slip-based tire...

Wheel colliders

The Wheel collider is a collider for grounded vehicles. It has built-in collision detection, wheel physics, and a slip-based ti...

XR input options

In mixed reality mode, the input options further depend on whether your app is running in a shared space with other apps or in ...

Built-in 3D Physics

Collision Use colliders to configure collisions between GameObjects.

HLSL pragma require command reference

2darray 2D texture arrays are a supported data type.

Kinematic Body Type reference

A Kinematic Rigidbody 2D behaves like an immovable object (as if it has infinite mass) during collisions, and mass-related prop...

Particle System module component reference

Collision module reference Explore properties on the Collision module, to configure particle collisions.


Unity helps you simulate physics in your Project to ensure that the objects correctly accelerate and respond to collisions, gra...

Sub Emitters module reference

Collision Emits particles when a parent particle collides with another GameObject. For more information on how to control par...

Character Joint component reference

Enable Collision When checked, this enables collisions between bodies connected with a joint.

Fixed Joint component reference

Enable Collision When checked, this property enables collisions between physics bodies that are connected with the joint.

Hinge Joint component reference

Enable Collision When checked, this enables collisions between bodies connected with a joint.

Spring Joint component reference

Enable Collision Enable this setting if the two connected objects should register collisions with each other.

Collider shapes

Mesh colliders Mesh colliders create collision geometry that matches the shape of their associated Mesh, for extremely accura...

Create a compound collider

If you only need the collider to provide collisions, and not any collision or trigger events, you can arrange colliders in any ...

Event functions

The physics engine will report collisions against an object by calling event functions on that object's script. The OnCollision...

Quality settings tab reference

Particle Raycast Budget Sets the maximum number of raycasts to use for particle system collisions if Collision Quality is set...

Static Body Type fundamentals

A Static Rigidbody 2D is designed to not move under simulation at all. If anything collides with it, a Static Rigidbody 2D beha...

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