Version: 5.3

특수 폴더와 스크립트 컴파일 순서

For the most part, you can choose any names you like for the folders in your project but Unity reserves some names to indicate that the contents have a special purpose. Some of these folders have an effect on the order of script compilation. Essentially, there are four separate phases of script compilation and the phase where a script will be compiled is determined by its parent folder.

This is significant in cases where a script must refer to classes defined in other scripts. The basic rule is that anything that will be compiled in a phase after the current one cannot be referenced. Anything that is compiled in the current phase or an earlier phase is fully available.

Another situation occurs when a script written in one language must refer to a class defined in another language (say, a UnityScript file that declares variables of a class defined in a C# script). The rule here is that the class being referenced must have been compiled in a earlier phase.

아래는 컴파일의 각 단계에 대한 설명입니다.

Phase 1: Runtime scripts in folders called Standard Assets, Pro Standard Assets and Plugins.* Phase 1: Runtime scripts in folders called Standard Assets, Pro Standard Assets and Plugins. * 2 단계: 스탠다드 에셋, Pro Standard Assets, Plugins 상위 수준 폴더에 있는 Editor 폴더의 에디터 스크립트. * 3 단계: Editor 폴더에 있지 않은 모든 스크립트. * Phase 4: All remaining scripts (those that are inside a folder called Editor).Phase 1: Runtime scripts in folders called Standard Assets, Pro Standard Assets and Plugins.

순서의 중요성을 보여주는 예 중의 하나는 UnityScript 파일이 C# 파일에서 정의된 클래스를 참조해야 하는 경우입니다. C# 파일을 Plugins 폴더 안에 넣은 다음, UnityScript 파일을 특수 폴더 이외의 일반 폴더 안에 넣어야 합니다. 이렇게 하지 않으면 C# 클래스를 찾을 수 없다는 오류가 발생합니다.

참고: 스탠다드 에셋은 Assets 루트 폴더에서만 작동합니다.
