The size of a particle can be set here to change according to its speed in distance units per second.
프로퍼티: | 기능: |
Size | 속도 범위에 따라 파티클의 크기를 정의하는 커브입니다. |
Speed Range | 크기 커브가 매핑되는 속도 범위의 상한 및 하한 값(범위를 벗어나는 속도는 커브의 끝점에 매핑됨)입니다. |
There are some situations where particles are emitted with random speeds and the smallest particles should also be the ones that move fastest. For example, you would expect small pieces of debris to be accelerated more by an explosion than larger pieces. You can achieve effects like this using Size By Speed with a simple ramp curve that increases the size in proportion to the speed of the particle. (Note that this should not be used with Limit Velocity Over Lifetime unless you are sure you want particles to shrink as they slow down.)