Particle System Modules
Emission Module

Main Module

This module contains global properties that affect the system overall. The Main Module is expanded by clicking the white icon button to the right of the inspector window.

The name shown for it in the inspector is actually the name of the GameObject the Particle System component is attached to.


프로퍼티: 기능:
Duration The length of time the system will run.
Looped If enabled, the system will start again at the end of its duration time and continue to repeat the cycle.
Prewarm If enabled, the system will be initialized as though it had already completed a full cycle (only works if Looping is also enabled).
Start Delay 시스템이 활성화된 후 방출을 시작하기까지 기다리는 지연 시간(초)입니다.
Start Lifetime 파티클의 초기 수명입니다.
Start Speed 해당 방향으로 작용하는 파티클 초기 속도입니다.
Start Size 각 파티클의 초기 크기입니다.
3D Start Rotation
Start Rotation 각 파티클의 초기 회전 각도입니다.
Start Color 각 파티클의 초기 컬러입니다.
Gravity Modifier 물리 관리자에서 설정된 중력 값을 스케일합니다. 이 값을 0으로 하면 중력 효과가 해제됩니다.
Simulation Space Should particles be animated in the parent object’s local space (and therefore move with the object) or in world space?
Scaling Mode Use the scale from the transform. Set to Hierarchy, Local or Shape. Local applies only the particle system transform scale. Shape mode applies only the scale to the start position of the particles.
Play on Awake Does the system start automatically when the object is created?
Max Particles The maximum number of particles in the system at once. Older particles will be removed when the limit is reached.

세부 정보

The system emits particles for a specific duration but can be set to emit continuously using the Looped property. This means you can create, say, smoke in short puffs or in a steady stream. The “Start” properties (for lifetime, speed, size, rotation and color) specify the state of a particle on emission but other property groups (such as Size Over Lifetime) can modify the values as the system progresses. Also, all of these properties can have randomised values in a range specified by curves. All particle systems use the same gravity vector specified in the physics settings but the Gravity Multiplier value can be used to scale the gravity or switch it off if set to zero (dust clouds will fall to earth but not at the same rate as solid objects). The Inherit Velocity and Simulation Space properties together determine whether the particles move with the particle system object or independently in the game world. Systems like clouds, hoses and flamethrowers will tend to leave trails that persist in world space even if the object producing them moves around. On the other hand, when particles are used to create a spark between two electrodes, the spark should move along with the object.

Particle System Modules
Emission Module