이 모듈은 컨트롤러나 마우스 입력이 작동하는 방식과 비슷하게 설계되었습니다. 입력에 대한 응답으로 버튼 누름, 드래그 등의 이벤트가 보내집니다.
The module sends pointer events to components as a mouse / input device is moved around, and uses the configured in the scene Raycasters to calculate what element is currently pointed at by a given pointer device.
The module sends move events and submit / cancel events in response to Input tracked via the Input manager, this works for both keyboard and controller input. The tracked axis and keys can be configured in the module’s inspector.
프로퍼티: | 기능: |
Cancel Button | Input manager name for the ‘cancel’ button. |
Force Module Active | Force this module to be active. |
Horizontal Axis | Input manager name for the horizontal axis button. |
Input Actions Per Second | Number of keyboard / controller inputs allowed per second. |
Repeat Delay | 초당 입력 행동 반복률이 유효하기 이전 지연 시간을 초로 나타낸 값입니다. |
Submit Button | Maximum number of input events handled per second. |
Vertical Axis | Input manager name for the vertical axis. |
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