Editor utility functions.
ClearProgressBar | Elimina la barra de progreso. |
CollectDeepHierarchy | Collect all objects in the hierarchy rooted at each of the given objects. |
CollectDependencies | Calculates and returns a list of all assets the assets listed in roots depend on. |
CompressTexture | Comprime una textura. |
CopySerialized | Copy all settings of a Unity Object. |
CreateGameObjectWithHideFlags | Creates a game object with HideFlags and specified components. |
DisplayCancelableProgressBar | Displays or updates a progress bar that has a cancel button. |
DisplayDialog | Muestra un diálogo modal. |
DisplayDialogComplex | Muestra un diálogo modal con tres botones. |
DisplayPopupMenu | Displays a popup menu. |
DisplayProgressBar | Muestra o actualiza una barra de progreso. |
ExtractOggFile | Saves an AudioClip or MovieTexture to a file. |
FocusProjectWindow | Brings the project window to the front and focuses it. |
FormatBytes | Returns a text for a number of bytes. |
GetObjectEnabled | Is the object enabled (0 disabled, 1 enabled, -1 has no enabled button). |
InstanceIDToObject | Translates an instance ID to a reference to an object. |
IsPersistent | Determines if an object is stored on disk. |
NaturalCompare | Human-like sorting. |
OpenFilePanel | Displays the "open file" dialog and returns the selected path name. |
OpenFilePanelWithFilters | Displays the "open file" dialog and returns the selected path name. |
OpenFolderPanel | Displays the "open folder" dialog and returns the selected path name. |
SaveFilePanel | Displays the "save file" dialog and returns the selected path name. |
SaveFilePanelInProject | Displays the "save file" dialog in the Assets folder of the project and returns the selected path name. |
SaveFolderPanel | Displays the "save folder" dialog and returns the selected path name. |
SetDirty | Marks target object as dirty. (Only suitable for non-scene objects). |
SetObjectEnabled | Set the enabled state of the object. |
SetSelectedWireframeHidden | Set whether the renderer's wireframe will be hidden when the renderer's gameobject is selected. |
UnloadUnusedAssetsImmediate | Descargar assets que no se usan. |