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class in UnityEditor

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Editor utility functions for modifying animation clips.

Variables Estáticas

onCurveWasModifiedTriggered when an animation curve inside an animation clip has been modified.

Funciones Estáticas

CalculateTransformPathCalculates path from root transform to target transform.
GetAnimatableBindingsReturns all the animatable bindings that a specific game object has.
GetAnimatedObjectReturns the animated object that the binding is pointing to.
GetAnimationEventsRetrieves all animation events associated with the animation clip.
GetCurveBindingsReturns all the float curve bindings currently stored in the clip.
GetEditorCurveReturn the float curve that the binding is pointing to.
GetFloatValueRetrieves the current float value by sampling a curve value on a specific game object.
GetObjectReferenceCurveReturn the object reference curve that the binding is pointing to.
GetObjectReferenceCurveBindingsReturns all the object reference curve bindings currently stored in the clip.
SetAdditiveReferencePoseSet the additive reference pose from referenceClip at time for animation clip clip.
SetAnimationClipsSets the array of AnimationClips to be referenced in the Animation component.
SetAnimationEventsReplaces all animation events in the animation clip.
SetEditorCurveAdds, modifies or removes an editor float curve in a given clip.
SetObjectReferenceCurveAdds, modifies or removes an object reference curve in a given clip.


OnCurveWasModifiedTriggered when an animation curve inside an animation clip has been modified.