Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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class in UnityEditor

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Access to the selection in the editor.

Variables Estáticas

activeGameObjectReturns the active game object. (The one shown in the inspector).
activeInstanceIDReturns the instanceID of the actual object selection. Includes prefabs, non-modifyable objects.
activeObjectReturns the actual object selection. Includes prefabs, non-modifyable objects.
activeTransformReturns the active transform. (The one shown in the inspector).
assetGUIDsReturns the guids of the selected assets.
gameObjectsReturns the actual game object selection. Includes prefabs, non-modifyable objects.
instanceIDsThe actual unfiltered selection from the Scene returned as instance ids instead of objects.
objectsLa selección de la escena actual sin filtrar.
selectionChangedDelegate callback triggered when currently active/selected item has changed.
transformsReturns the top level selection, excluding prefabs.

Funciones Estáticas

ContainsDevuelve si un objeto está incluido en la selección actual o no.
GetFilteredDevuelve la selección actual filtrada por tipo y modo.
GetTransformsAllows for fine grained control of the selection type using the SelectionMode bitmask.