assetBundleName | Get or set the AssetBundle name. |
assetBundleVariant | Get or set the AssetBundle variant. |
assetPath | The path name of the asset for this importer. (Read Only) |
userData | Get or set any user data. |
addCollider | Add mesh colliders to imported meshes. |
animationCompression | Animation compression setting. |
animationPositionError | Allowed error of animation position compression. |
animationRotationError | Allowed error of animation rotation compression. |
animationScaleError | Allowed error of animation scale compression. |
animationType | Animator generation mode. |
animationWrapMode | The default wrap mode for the generated animation clips. |
bakeIK | Bake Inverse Kinematics (IK) when importing. |
clipAnimations | Animation clips to split animation into. |
defaultClipAnimations | Generate a list of all default animation clip based on TakeInfo. |
extraExposedTransformPaths | Animation optimization setting. |
fileScale | File scale factor (if available) or default one. (Read-only). |
generateAnimations | Animation generation options. |
generateSecondaryUV | Generate secondary UV set for lightmapping. |
globalScale | Global scale factor for importing. |
humanDescription | The human description that is used to generate an Avatar during the import process. |
humanoidOversampling | Controls how much oversampling is used when importing humanoid animations for retargeting. |
importAnimation | Importar animación desde archivo. |
importBlendShapes | Controls import of BlendShapes. |
importedTakeInfos | Generates the list of all imported take. |
importMaterials | Importar materiales desde archivo. |
importNormals | Importar materiales desde archivo. |
importTangents | Use tangent vectors from file. |
isBakeIKSupported | Is Bake Inverse Kinematics (IK) supported by this importer. |
isFileScaleUsed | Is FileScale was used when importing. |
isReadable | Are mesh vertices and indices accessible from script? |
isTangentImportSupported | Is import of tangents supported by this importer. |
isUseFileUnitsSupported | Is useFileUnits supported for this asset. |
materialName | Material naming setting. |
materialSearch | Existing material search setting. |
meshCompression | Mesh compression setting. |
motionNodeName | The path of the transform used to generation the motion of the animation. |
normalSmoothingAngle | Smoothing angle (in degrees) for calculating normals. |
optimizeGameObjects | Animation optimization setting. |
optimizeMesh | Vertex optimization setting. |
referencedClips | Generates the list of all imported Animations. |
resampleCurves | If set to false, the importer will not resample animation curves when possible. Read more about animation curve resampling.Notes:- Some unsupported FBX features (such as PreRotation or PostRotation on transforms) will override this setting. In these situations, animation curves will still be resampled even if the setting is disabled. For best results, avoid using PreRotation, PostRotation and GetRotationPivot.- This option was introduced in Version 5.3. Prior to this version, Unity's import behaviour was as if this option was always enabled. Therefore enabling the option gives the same behaviour as pre-5.3 animation import.
secondaryUVAngleDistortion | Threshold for angle distortion (in degrees) when generating secondary UV. |
secondaryUVAreaDistortion | Threshold for area distortion when generating secondary UV. |
secondaryUVHardAngle | Hard angle (in degrees) for generating secondary UV. |
secondaryUVPackMargin | Margin to be left between charts when packing secondary UV. |
sourceAvatar | Imports the HumanDescription from the given Avatar. |
swapUVChannels | Swap primary and secondary UV channels when importing. |
transformPaths | Generates the list of all imported Transforms. |
useFileUnits | Detect file units and import as 1FileUnit=1UnityUnit, otherwise it will import as 1cm=1UnityUnit. |
hideFlags | Should the object be hidden, saved with the scene or modifiable by the user? |
name | El nombre del objeto. |