Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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struct in UnityEngine.SceneManagement

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Run-time data structure for *.unity file.


buildIndexReturns the index of the scene in the Build Settings. Always returns -1 if the scene was loaded through an AssetBundle.
isDirtyReturns true if the scene is modifed.
isLoadedReturns true if the scene is loaded.
nameReturns the name of the scene.
pathReturns the relative path of the scene. Like: "Assets/MyScenes/MyScene.unity".
rootCountThe number of root transforms of this scene.

Funciones Públicas

GetRootGameObjectsReturns all the root game objects in the scene.
IsValidTells if the scene is valid. A scene can be invalid if you eg. tried to open a scene that does not exists in that case the scene returnen from EditorSceneManager.OpenScene would be invalid.


operator !=Returns true if the Scenes are different.
operator ==Returns true if the Scenes are equal.