Interfaz para obtener información sobre tiempos en Unity.
captureFramerate | Ralentiza la reproducción del juego para permitir que se puedan guardar capturas de pantalla entre frames. |
deltaTime | El tiempo en segundos que tardó en completarse el último frame (Read Only). |
fixedDeltaTime | The interval in seconds at which physics and other fixed frame rate updates (like MonoBehaviour's FixedUpdate) are performed. |
fixedTime | The time the latest FixedUpdate has started (Read Only). This is the time in seconds since the start of the game. |
frameCount | La cantidad total de frames que han pasado (Read Only). |
maximumDeltaTime | The maximum time a frame can take. Physics and other fixed frame rate updates (like MonoBehaviour's FixedUpdate). |
realtimeSinceStartup | El tiempo real en segundos desde que comenzó el juego (Read Only). |
smoothDeltaTime | A smoothed out Time.deltaTime (Read Only). |
time | The time at the beginning of this frame (Read Only). This is the time in seconds since the start of the game. |
timeScale | Escala a la que pasa el tiempo. Se puede usar para efectos de cámara lenta. |
timeSinceLevelLoad | The time this frame has started (Read Only). This is the time in seconds since the last level has been loaded. |
unscaledDeltaTime | The timeScale-independent time in seconds it took to complete the last frame (Read Only). |
unscaledTime | The timeScale-independant time at the beginning of this frame (Read Only). This is the time in seconds since the start of the game. |