Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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class in UnityEngine.Events


Hereda de:Events.UnityEventBase

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A zero-argument persistent callback that can be saved with the scene.

var m_MyEvent : UnityEvent;

function Start () { if (m_MyEvent == null) m_MyEvent = new UnityEvent ();

m_MyEvent.AddListener (Ping); }

function Update () { if (Input.anyKeyDown && m_MyEvent != null) { m_MyEvent.Invoke (); } }

function Ping () { Debug.Log ("Ping"); }
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { UnityEvent m_MyEvent; void Start() { if (m_MyEvent == null) m_MyEvent = new UnityEvent (); m_MyEvent.AddListener (Ping); } void Update() { if (Input.anyKeyDown && m_MyEvent != null) { m_MyEvent.Invoke (); } } void Ping() { Debug.Log ("Ping"); } }



Funciones Públicas

AddListenerAdd a non-persistent listener to the UnityEvent.
InvokeInvoke all registered callbacks (runtime and persistent).
RemoveListenerRemove a non-persistent listener from the UnityEvent.

Miembros heredados

Funciones Públicas

GetPersistentEventCountGet the number of registered persistent listeners.
GetPersistentMethodNameGet the target method name of the listener at index index.
GetPersistentTargetGet the target component of the listener at index index.
RemoveAllListenersRemove all non-persistent listeners from the event.
SetPersistentListenerStateModify the execution state of a persistent listener.

Funciones Estáticas

GetValidMethodInfoGiven an object, function name, and a list of argument types; find the method that matches.