Scene management in the editor.
loadedSceneCount | The number of loaded scenes. |
CloseScene | Close the scene. If removeScene flag is true, the closed scene will also be removed from EditorSceneManager. |
GetSceneManagerSetup | Returns the current setup of the SceneManager. |
MarkAllScenesDirty | Mark all the loaded scenes as modified. |
MarkSceneDirty | Mark the scene as modified. |
MoveSceneAfter | Allows you to reorder the scenes currently open in the Hierarchy window. Moves the source scene so it comes after the destination scene. |
MoveSceneBefore | Allows you to reorder the scenes currently open in the Hierarchy window. Moves the source scene so it comes before the destination scene. |
NewScene | Crear una nueva escena. |
OpenScene | Open a scene in the Editor. |
RestoreSceneManagerSetup | Restore the setup of the SceneManager. |
SaveCurrentModifiedScenesIfUserWantsTo | Ask the user if they want to save the the modified scene(s). |
SaveModifiedScenesIfUserWantsTo | Ask the user if they want to save any of the modfied input scenes. |
SaveOpenScenes | Save all open scenes. |
SaveScene | Save a scene. |
SaveScenes | Save a list of scenes. |
sceneCount | The total number of scenes. |
sceneCountInBuildSettings | Number of scenes in Build Settings. |
CreateScene | Create an empty new scene with the given name additively. |
GetActiveScene | Get the active scene. |
GetSceneAt | Get the scene at index in the SceneManager's list of added scenes. |
GetSceneByName | Searches through the scenes added to the SceneManager for a scene with the given name. |
GetSceneByPath | Searches all scenes added to the SceneManager for a scene that has the given asset path. |
LoadScene | Loads the scene by its name or index in Build Settings. |
LoadSceneAsync | Loads the scene asynchronously in the background. |
MergeScenes | This will merge the source scene into the destinationScene. This function merges the contents of the source scene into the destination scene, and deletes the source scene. All GameObjects at the root of the source scene are moved to the root of the destination scene. NOTE: This function is destructive: The source scene will be destroyed once the merge has been completed. |
MoveGameObjectToScene | Move a GameObject from its current scene to a new scene. It is required that the GameObject is at the root of its current scene. |
SetActiveScene | Set the scene to be active. |
UnloadScene | Unloads all GameObjects associated with the given scene. |