Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
  • C#
  • JS

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Representa texto como una serie de caracteres Unicode.

Unity usa la clase .Net System.String para cadenas. Ver la documentación Microsoft MSDN para Strings para mas detalles.

Nota: en c# string es un alias para System.String . Esto significa que puedes usar cualquiera de los dos string o String in tu código( Si tienes agregado using System en la parte superior de su script .) Nota: En Javascript las cadenas son representadas usando String que se debe utilizar en su código script de Unity. Éstos son algunos de los usos básicos de la clase String.

#pragma strict

function Start () { var s : String = "hello"; Debug.Log(s); // prints hello s = String.Format("{0} {1}", s, "world"); Debug.Log(s); // prints hello world s = String.Concat("hello","world"); Debug.Log(s); // prints helloworld s = s.ToUpper(); Debug.Log(s); // prints HELLOWORLD s = s.ToLower(); Debug.Log(s); // prints helloworld

//Debug.Log(s.CharAt(1)); // CharAt not supported, produces compiler error // instead use array syntax below Debug.Log(s[1]); // prints e var c : char = 'x'[0]; // slight odd JS way of specifying a char // 'x' is a string and [0] means first character Debug.Log(s.IndexOf(c)); // prints -1 (s does not contain an x) var i : int = 42; s = i.ToString(); Debug.Log(s); // prints 42

s = "-43"; i = int.Parse(s); Debug.Log(i); // prints -43 var f : float = 3.14159265358979f; s = f.ToString(); Debug.Log(s); // prints 3.141593 (which is an approximation) s = "-7.14159265358979"; f = float.Parse(s); Debug.Log(f); // prints -7.141593 (which is an approximation) }
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { // prints hello string s = "hello"; Debug.Log(s);

// prints hello world s = string.Format("{0} {1}", s, "world"); Debug.Log(s);

// prints helloworld s = string.Concat("hello", "world"); Debug.Log(s);

// prints HELLOWORLD s = s.ToUpper(); Debug.Log(s);

// prints helloworld s = s.ToLower(); Debug.Log(s);

// prints 'e' Debug.Log(s[1]);

// prints 42 int i = 42; s = i.ToString(); Debug.Log(s);

// prints -43 s = "-43"; i = int.Parse(s); Debug.Log(i);

// prints 3.141593 (an approximation) float f = 3.14159265359F; s = f.ToString(); Debug.Log(s);

// prints -7.141593 (an approximation) s = "-7.14159265358979"; f = float.Parse(s); Debug.Log(f); } }

Este ejemplo muestra como puedes examinar la clase String y ver qué métodos contiene.

// Javascript
#pragma strict

import System; import System.Reflection;

function Start () {

var t : Type = System.String;

// Iterate over all the methods from the System.String class and display // return type and parameters. // This reveals all the things you can do with a String. for (var mi : MethodInfo in t.GetMethods()) { var s : System.String = System.String.Format("{0} {1} (", mi.ReturnType, mi.Name); var pars : ParameterInfo[] = mi.GetParameters(); for (var j : int = 0; j < pars.Length; j++) { s = String.Concat(s, String.Format("{0}{1}", pars[j].ParameterType, (j == pars.Length-1) ? "" : ", ")); } s = String.Concat(s, ")"); Debug.Log(s); } }
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { Type t = typeof(System.String); // Iterate over all the methods from the System.String class and display // return type and parameters. // This reveals all the things you can do with a String. foreach (MethodInfo mi in t.GetMethods()) { System.String s = System.String.Format("{0} {1} (", mi.ReturnType, mi.Name); ParameterInfo[] pars = mi.GetParameters(); for (int j = 0; j < pars.Length; j++) { s = String.Concat(s, String.Format("{0}{1}", pars[j].ParameterType, ((j == pars.Length - 1) ? "" : ", "))); } s = String.Concat(s, ")"); Debug.Log(s); } } }


EmptyRepresenta una cadena vacía. (Read Only)
LengthObtiene la cantidad de caracteres en esta instancia (Read Only).