Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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public static var orientation: ScreenOrientation;
public static ScreenOrientation orientation;


Specifies logical orientation of the screen.

Default value is taken from the 'Default Orientation' in Player Settings. As an example, if we take 480x320 resolution on iPhone, horizontal orientation is treated as 480x320 resolution and vertical orientation as 320x480.

Note: logical orientation affects not only screen orientation, but also touch coordinates. You should expect drastic changes in the touch positions after changing logical orientation, since touch positions will be rotated clockwise or counter-clockwise to match screen coordinates.

Currently screen orientation is only relevant on mobile platforms.

	// Start in landscape mode
	function Start () {
		Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft;

If the value is set to ScreenOrientation.AutoRotation then the screen will select from any of the options (enabled by autorotateToPortrait, etc) automatically as the device orientation changes.

See Also: ScreenOrientation.