Version: 2022.1
言語: 日本語


Unity uses a package manifest file (package.json) to manage information about a specific version of a specific package. The package manifest is always at the root of the package and contains crucial information about the package, such as its registered name and version number. It also defines useful information to communicate to the user, such as a user-friendly name that appears in the UI, a brief description of the package, and the earliest version of Unity the package is compatible with.

The package manifest uses the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) syntax to describe what the package contains. The file’s format is similar to npm’s package.json format, but uses different semantics for some of its properties. Refer to the example for a sample package manifest file.

The Package Manager reads this manifest to find out what the package contains, how to unpack its contents, and what information to display the user in the Package Manager window. The manifest stores this information in a series of required, recommended, and optional properties.


If these properties aren’t present, either the registry refuses the package when it’s published, or the Package Manager can’t fetch or load the package.

プロパティ JSON 型 説明 
name 文字列 The officially registered package name. This name must conform to the Unity Package Manager naming convention, which uses reverse domain name notation. For more information about the naming convention, see Naming your package.

Note: This is a unique identifier, not the user-friendly name that appears in the list view in the Package Manager window.
version 文字列 パッケージのバージョン番号 (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH)。

例えば、“3.2.1” は 3 番目のメジャーリリースの 2 番目のマイナーリリースで最初のパッチであることを示しています。

この値は セマンティックバージョニング に準拠する必要があります。詳しくは、バージョン管理を参照してください。

Recommended properties

The Package Manager can install packages in a project even if the recommended properties don’t have valid values or are missing.

However, you should assign values for these properties to ensure that your package is discoverable and to provide a better experience for users.

プロパティ JSON 型 説明 
description 文字列 A brief description of the package. This is the text that appears in the details view of the Package Manager window. This field supports UTF–8 character codes. This means that you can use special formatting character codes, such as line breaks (\n) and bullets (\u25AA).
displayName 文字列 Unity エディター (例えば、Project ブラウザー、Package Manager ウィンドウなど) に表示されるユーザーに分かりやすい名前。

例えば、Unity TimelineProBuilderIn App Purchasing
unity 文字列 Indicates the lowest Unity version the package is compatible with. If omitted, the Package Manager considers the package compatible with all Unity versions.

The expected format is “<MAJOR>.<MINOR>” (for example, 2018.3). To point to a specific patch, use the unityRelease property as well.

Note: A package that isn’t compatible with Unity doesn’t appear in the Package Manager window.


These properties are optional, meaning that you can omit them. However, if they’re present, they must have a valid value.

プロパティ JSON 型 説明 
author オブジェクト The author of the package.

This object contains one required field, name, and two optional fields, email and url.

For example:
{ "name" : "John Doe",
   "email" : "",
   "url" : ""
changelogUrl 文字列 Custom location for this package’s changelog specified as a URL. For example:
"changelogUrl": ""

Note: When the Package Manager can’t reach the URL location (for example, if there is a network issue), it does the following:

- If the package is installed, the Package Manager opens a file browser displaying the file in the package cache.
- If the package isn’t installed, the Package Manager displays a warning that an offline changelog isn’t available.
dependencies オブジェクト A map of package dependencies. Keys are package names, and values are specific versions. They indicate other packages that this package depends on.

Note: The Package Manager doesn’t support range syntax, only SemVer versions.
documentationUrl 文字列 Custom location for this package’s documentation specified as a URL. For example:
"documentationUrl": ""

Note: When the Package Manager can’t reach the URL location (for example, if there is a network issue), it does the following:

- If the package is installed, the Package Manager opens a file browser displaying the Documentation~ folder in the package cache.
- If the package isn’t installed, the Package Manager displays a warning that offline documentation isn’t available.
hideInEditor ブーリアン Package Manager hides most packages automatically (the implicit value is “true”), but you can set this property to “false” to make sure that your package and its assets are always visible.
keywords 文字列の配列 Package Manager の検索 API によって使用されるキーワードの配列。これは、ユーザーが関連するパッケージを見つけるのに役立ちます。
license 文字列 SPDX 識別子形式 を使用した OSS ライセンスの識別子、または “See file” のような文字列。

ノート: パッケージマニフェストでこのプロパティを省略すると、パッケージには ファイルを加える必要があります。
licensesUrl 文字列 Custom location for this package’s license information specified as a URL. For example:
"licensesUrl": ""

Note: When the Package Manager can’t reach the URL location (for example, if there is a network issue), it does the following:

- If the package is installed, it opens a file browser displaying the file in the package cache.
- If the package isn’t installed, the Package Manager displays a warning that offline license information isn’t available.
samples オブジェクトの配列 パッケージに含まれるサンプルのリスト。各サンプルには、表示名、説明、Samples~ フォルダー自体から始まるサンプルフォルダーへのパスが含まれています。

   "displayName": "<name-to-appear-in-the-UI>",
   "description": "<brief-description>",
   "path": "Samples~/<sample-subfolder>"

詳しい説明は、パッケージ用のサンプルの作成 を参照してください。
type 文字列 Package Manager に追加情報を与える定数。

unityRelease 文字列 Part of a Unity version indicating the specific release of Unity that the package is compatible with. You can use this property when an updated package requires changes made during the Unity alpha/beta development cycle. This might be the case if the package needs newly introduced APIs, or uses existing APIs that have changed in a non-backward-compatible way without API Updater rules.

The expected format is “<UPDATE><RELEASE>” (for example, 0b4).

Note: If you omit the recommended unity property, this property has no effect.

A package that isn’t compatible with Unity doesn’t appear in the Package Manager window.


  "name": "com.[company-name].[package-name]",
  "version": "1.2.3",
  "displayName": "Package Example",
  "description": "This is an example package",
  "unity": "2019.1",
  "unityRelease": "0b5",
  "documentationUrl": "",
  "changelogUrl": "",
  "licensesUrl": "",
  "dependencies": {
    "com.[company-name].some-package": "1.0.0",
    "com.[company-name].other-package": "2.0.0"
 "keywords": [
  "author": {
    "name": "Unity",
    "email": "",
    "url": ""

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  • パッケージのサンプルの作成