Base class to derive custom Editors from. Use this to create your own custom inspectors and editors for your objects.
Consider a script MyPlayer with variables for armor, damage, and a reference to a gun GameObject:
// MyPlayer.js
// This is not an editor script.var armor : int = 75;
var damage : int = 25;
var gun : GameObject;function Update () {
// Update logic here...
Using a custom Editor, the apperance of the script in the Inspector can be changed, for example to look like this:
Custom editor in the Inspector.You can attach the Editor to a custom component by using the
CustomEditor attribute.
There are multiple ways to design custom Editors.
If you want the Editor to support multi-object editing, you can use the
CanEditMultipleObjects attribute.
Instead of modifying script variables directly, it's advantageous to use the
SerializedObject and
system to edit them, since this automatically handles multi-object editing, undo, and prefab overrides.
// Custom Editor using SerializedProperties.
// Automatic handling of multi-object editing, undo, and prefab overrides.
#pragma strict
class MyPlayerEditor extends Editor {
var damageProp : SerializedProperty;
var armorProp : SerializedProperty;
var gunProp : SerializedProperty; function OnEnable () {
// Setup the SerializedProperties
damageProp = serializedObject.FindProperty ("damage");
armorProp = serializedObject.FindProperty ("armor");
gunProp = serializedObject.FindProperty ("gun");
} function OnInspectorGUI() {
// Update the serializedProperty - always do this in the beginning of OnInspectorGUI.
serializedObject.Update (); // Show the custom GUI controls EditorGUILayout.IntSlider (damageProp, 0, 100, new GUIContent ("Damage"));
// Only show the damage progress bar if all the objects have the same damage value:
if (!damageProp.hasMultipleDifferentValues)
ProgressBar (damageProp.intValue / 100.0, "Damage"); EditorGUILayout.IntSlider (armorProp, 0, 100, new GUIContent ("Armor"));
// Only show the armor progress bar if all the objects have the same armor value:
if (!armorProp.hasMultipleDifferentValues)
ProgressBar (armorProp.intValue / 100.0, "Armor"); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (gunProp, new GUIContent ("Gun Object")); // Apply changes to the serializedProperty - always do this in the end of OnInspectorGUI.
serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties ();
} // Custom GUILayout progress bar.
function ProgressBar (value : float, label : String) {
// Get a rect for the progress bar using the same margins as a textfield:
var rect : Rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (18, 18, "TextField");
EditorGUI.ProgressBar (rect, value, label);
EditorGUILayout.Space ();
Alternatively, if automatic handling of multi-object editing, undo,
and prefab overrides is not needed, the script variables can be
modified directly by the editor without using the
SerializedProperty system, as in the example below.
// Custom Editor the "old" way by modifying the script variables directly.
// No handling of multi-object editing, undo, and prefab overrides!
@CustomEditor (MyPlayer)
class MyPlayerEditor extends Editor { function OnInspectorGUI () {
target.damage = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider ("Damage", target.damage, 0, 100);
ProgressBar (target.damage / 100.0, "Damage"); target.armor = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider ("Armor", target.armor, 0, 100);
ProgressBar (target.armor / 100.0, "Armor"); var allowSceneObjects : boolean = !EditorUtility.IsPersistent (target);
target.gun = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Gun Object", target.gun, GameObject, allowSceneObjects);
} // Custom GUILayout progress bar.
function ProgressBar (value : float, label : String) {
// Get a rect for the progress bar using the same margins as a textfield:
var rect : Rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (18, 18, "TextField");
EditorGUI.ProgressBar (rect, value, label);
EditorGUILayout.Space ();