Describes information and value of a single shader property.
applyPropertyCallback | |
colorValue | Color value of the property. |
displayName | Display name of the property (Read Only). |
flags | Flags that control how property is displayed (Read Only). |
floatValue | Float vaue of the property. |
hasMixedValue | Does this property have multiple different values? (Read Only) |
name | Name of the property (Read Only). |
rangeLimits | Min/max limits of a ranged float property (Read Only). |
targets | Material objects being edited by this property (Read Only). |
textureDimension | Texture dimension (2D, Cubemap etc.) of the property (Read Only). |
textureScaleAndOffset | |
textureValue | Texture value of the property. |
type | Type of the property (Read Only). |
vectorValue | Vector value of the property. |
ReadFromMaterialPropertyBlock | |
WriteToMaterialPropertyBlock |