Object.operator ==
static function operator ==(x: Object, y: Object): bool;

x The first Object.
y The Object to compare against the first.

Compares if two objects refer to the same.

	var target : Collider;
	function OnTriggerEnter (trigger : Collider) {
		if (trigger == target)
			print("We hit the target trigger");
Get early out if there is no target.
	var target : Transform;
	function Update () {
		// Early out if the target is gone
		if (target == null)
Be careful when comparing with null.

        GameObject go = new GameObject(); 
Debug.Log (go == null); // false

Object obj = new Object(); Debug.Log (obj == null); // true
Instatiating a GameObject adds it to the scene so it's completely initialized (!destroyed). Instantiating a simple UnityEngine.Object has no such semantics, so the it stays in the 'destroyed' state which compares true to null.