accelerometerFrequency |
Accelerometer update frequency. |
advancedLicense |
Is the advanced version being used? |
allowedAutorotateToLandscapeLeft |
Is auto-rotation to landscape left supported? |
allowedAutorotateToLandscapeRight |
Is auto-rotation to landscape right supported? |
allowedAutorotateToPortrait |
Is auto-rotation to portrait supported? |
allowedAutorotateToPortraitUpsideDown |
Is auto-rotation to portrait upside-down supported? |
aotOptions |
Additional AOT compilation options. Shared by AOT platforms. |
apiCompatibilityLevel |
.NET API compatibility level. |
bundleIdentifier |
Application bundle identifier shared between iOS & Android platforms. |
bundleVersion |
Application bundle version shared between iOS & Android platforms. |
captureSingleScreen |
Defines if fullscreen games should darken secondary displays. |
colorSpace |
Set the color space for the current project. |
companyName |
The name of your company. |
defaultInterfaceOrientation |
Default screen orientation for mobiles. |
defaultIsFullScreen |
If enabled, the game will default to fullscreen mode. |
defaultIsNativeResolution |
defaultScreenHeight |
Default vertical dimension of stand-alone player window. |
defaultScreenWidth |
Default horizontal dimension of stand-alone player window. |
defaultWebScreenHeight |
Default vertical dimension of web player window. |
defaultWebScreenWidth |
Default horizontal dimension of web player window. |
displayResolutionDialog |
Defines the behaviour of the Resolution Dialog on product launch. |
firstStreamedLevelWithResources |
First level to have access to all Resources.Load assets in Streamed Web Players. |
forceSingleInstance |
Restrict standalone players to a single concurrent running instance. |
gpuSkinning |
Enable GPU skinning on capable platforms. |
iPhoneBundleIdentifier |
The bundle identifier of the iPhone application. |
keyaliasPass |
Password for the key used for signing an Android application. |
keystorePass |
Password used for interacting with the Android Keystore. |
macFullscreenMode |
Define how to handle fullscreen mode in Mac OS X standalones. |
mobileMTRendering |
mobileRenderingPath |
MTRendering |
Is multi-threaded rendering enabled? |
productGUID |
productName |
The name of your product. |
ps3BackgroundPath |
PS3 Background Image. |
ps3BootCheckMaxSaveGameSizeKB |
PS3 Bootcheck maximum savegame size ( as per TRC R224 ). This should include the total estimated size for the savegames (including icon sizes). |
ps3DLCConfigPath |
PS3 DLC Config file. |
ps3NpCommunicationPassphrase |
ps3SaveGameSlots |
PS3 Save Game slots. |
ps3SoundPath |
PS3 Background Sound. |
ps3ThumbnailPath |
PS3 Thumbnail Image. |
ps3TitleConfigPath |
PS3 Title Config file. |
ps3TrialMode |
PS3 Title is Trial. |
ps3TrophyCommId |
PS3 Trophy Communication ID. |
ps3TrophyCommSig |
PS3 Trophy Communication Signature. |
ps3TrophyPackagePath |
PS3 Trophy Package. |
renderingPath |
Which rendering path is enabled? |
resizableWindow |
Use resizable window in standalone player builds. |
resolutionDialogBanner |
The image to display in the Resolution Dialog window. |
runInBackground |
If enabled, your game will continue to run after lost focus. |
statusBarHidden |
Should status bar be hidden. Shared between iOS & Android platforms. |
stripPhysics |
Remove Physics code from player to save build size (Flash and NaCl only). |
strippingLevel |
Managed code stripping level. |
stripUnusedMeshComponents |
Should unused Mesh components be excluded from game build? |
targetGlesGraphics |
use32BitDisplayBuffer |
32-bit Display Buffer is used. |
useAnimatedAutorotation |
Let the OS autorotate the screen as the device orientation changes. |
useDirect3D11 |
Should Direct3D 11 be used when available? |
useMacAppStoreValidation |
Enable receipt validation for the Mac App Store. |
usePlayerLog |
Write a log file with debugging information. |
xboxAdditionalTitleMemorySize |
xboxDeployKinectHeadOrientation |
Xbox 360 Kinect Head Orientation file deployment. |
xboxDeployKinectHeadPosition |
Xbox 360 Kinect Head Position file deployment. |
xboxDeployKinectResources |
Xbox 360 Kinect resource file deployment. |
xboxEnableAvatar |
Xbox 360 Avatars. |
xboxEnableGuest |
xboxEnableKinect |
Xbox 360 Kinect title flag - if false, the Kinect APIs are inactive. |
xboxEnableKinectAutoTracking |
Xbox 360 Kinect automatic skeleton tracking. |
xboxEnableSpeech |
Xbox 360 Kinect Enable Speech Engine. |
xboxGenerateSpa |
Xbox 360 auto-generation of _SPAConfig.cs. |
xboxImageXexFilePath |
Xbox 360 ImageXex override configuration file path. |
xboxPIXTextureCapture |
xboxSpaFilePath |
Xbox 360 SPA file path. |
xboxSpeechDB |
Xbox 360 Kinect Speech DB. |
xboxSplashScreen |
Xbox 360 splash screen. |
xboxTitleId |
Xbox 360 title id. |