HumanBoneNamespace: UnityEngine

The mapping between a bone in the model and the conceptual bone in the Mecanim human anatomy.

The names of the Mecanim human bone and the bone in the model are stored along with the limiting muscle values that constrain the bone's rotation during animation.
function Start() {
	var boneName = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.<String, String>();

	boneName["Chest"] = "Bip001 Spine2";
	boneName["Head"] = "Bip001 Head";
	boneName["Hips"] = "Bip001 Pelvis";
	boneName["LeftFoot"] = "Bip001 L Foot";
	boneName["LeftHand"] = "Bip001 L Hand";
	boneName["LeftLowerArm"] = "Bip001 L Forearm";
	boneName["LeftLowerLeg"] = "Bip001 L Calf";
	boneName["LeftShoulder"] = "Bip001 L Clavicle";
	boneName["LeftUpperArm"] = "Bip001 L UpperArm";
	boneName["LeftUpperLeg"] = "Bip001 L Thigh";
	boneName["RightFoot"] = "Bip001 R Foot";
	boneName["RightHand"] = "Bip001 R Hand";
	boneName["RightLowerArm"] = "Bip001 R Forearm";
	boneName["RightLowerLeg"] = "Bip001 R Calf";
	boneName["RightShoulder"] = "Bip001 R Clavicle";
	boneName["RightUpperArm"] = "Bip001 R UpperArm";
	boneName["RightUpperLeg"] = "Bip001 R Thigh";
	boneName["Spine"] = "Bip001 Spine1";

	var humanName: String[] = HumanTrait.BoneName;
	var humanBones: HumanBone[] = new HumanBone[boneName.Count];
	var j = 0;
	for (var i = 0; i < humanName.Length; i++) {
		if (boneName.ContainsKey(humanName[i])) {
			var humanBone = new HumanBone();
			humanBone.humanName = humanName[i];
			humanBone.boneName = boneName[humanName[i]];
            humanBone.limit.useDefaultValues = true;

			humanBones[j++] = humanBone;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
    void Start() {
        stringstring boneName = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>();
        boneName["Chest"] = "Bip001 Spine2";
        boneName["Head"] = "Bip001 Head";
        boneName["Hips"] = "Bip001 Pelvis";
        boneName["LeftFoot"] = "Bip001 L Foot";
        boneName["LeftHand"] = "Bip001 L Hand";
        boneName["LeftLowerArm"] = "Bip001 L Forearm";
        boneName["LeftLowerLeg"] = "Bip001 L Calf";
        boneName["LeftShoulder"] = "Bip001 L Clavicle";
        boneName["LeftUpperArm"] = "Bip001 L UpperArm";
        boneName["LeftUpperLeg"] = "Bip001 L Thigh";
        boneName["RightFoot"] = "Bip001 R Foot";
        boneName["RightHand"] = "Bip001 R Hand";
        boneName["RightLowerArm"] = "Bip001 R Forearm";
        boneName["RightLowerLeg"] = "Bip001 R Calf";
        boneName["RightShoulder"] = "Bip001 R Clavicle";
        boneName["RightUpperArm"] = "Bip001 R UpperArm";
        boneName["RightUpperLeg"] = "Bip001 R Thigh";
        boneName["Spine"] = "Bip001 Spine1";
        string[] humanName = HumanTrait.BoneName;
        HumanBone[] humanBones = new HumanBone[boneName.Count];
        int j = 0;
        int i = 0;
        while (i < humanName.Length) {
            if (boneName.ContainsKey(humanName[i])) {
                HumanBone humanBone = new HumanBone();
                humanBone.humanName = humanName[i];
                humanBone.boneName = boneName[humanName[i]];
                humanBone.limit.useDefaultValues = true;
                humanBones[j++] = humanBone;
import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

public class Example(MonoBehaviour):

	def Start() as void:
		boneName as System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[of string, string] = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[of string, string]()
		boneName['Chest'] = 'Bip001 Spine2'
		boneName['Head'] = 'Bip001 Head'
		boneName['Hips'] = 'Bip001 Pelvis'
		boneName['LeftFoot'] = 'Bip001 L Foot'
		boneName['LeftHand'] = 'Bip001 L Hand'
		boneName['LeftLowerArm'] = 'Bip001 L Forearm'
		boneName['LeftLowerLeg'] = 'Bip001 L Calf'
		boneName['LeftShoulder'] = 'Bip001 L Clavicle'
		boneName['LeftUpperArm'] = 'Bip001 L UpperArm'
		boneName['LeftUpperLeg'] = 'Bip001 L Thigh'
		boneName['RightFoot'] = 'Bip001 R Foot'
		boneName['RightHand'] = 'Bip001 R Hand'
		boneName['RightLowerArm'] = 'Bip001 R Forearm'
		boneName['RightLowerLeg'] = 'Bip001 R Calf'
		boneName['RightShoulder'] = 'Bip001 R Clavicle'
		boneName['RightUpperArm'] = 'Bip001 R UpperArm'
		boneName['RightUpperLeg'] = 'Bip001 R Thigh'
		boneName['Spine'] = 'Bip001 Spine1'
		humanName as (string) = HumanTrait.BoneName
		humanBones as (HumanBone) = array[of HumanBone](boneName.Count)
		j as int = 0
		i as int = 0
		while i < humanName.Length:
			if boneName.ContainsKey(humanName[i]):
				humanBone as HumanBone = HumanBone()
				humanBone.humanName = humanName[i]
				humanBone.boneName = boneName[humanName[i]]
				humanBone.limit.useDefaultValues = true
				humanBones[(j++)] = humanBone

boneName The name of the bone to which the Mecanim human bone is mapped.
humanName The name of the Mecanim human bone to which the bone from the model is mapped.
limit The rotation limits that define the muscle for this bone.