The AnimationState gives full control over animation blending.
blendMode | Which blend mode should be used? |
clip | The clip that is being played by this animation state. |
enabled | Enables / disables the animation. |
length | The length of the animation clip in seconds. |
name | The name of the animation. |
normalizedSpeed | The normalized playback speed. |
normalizedTime | The normalized time of the animation. |
speed | The playback speed of the animation. 1 is normal playback speed. |
time | The current time of the animation. |
weight | The weight of animation. |
wrapMode | Wrapping mode of the animation. |
AddMixingTransform | Adds a transform which should be animated. This allows you to reduce the number of animations you have to create. |
RemoveMixingTransform | Removes a transform which should be animated. |
Equals | |
GetHashCode |
bool | |
operator != | |
operator == |