LayerMaskNamespace: UnityEngine

LayerMask allow you to display the LayerMask popup menu in the inspector.

Similar to those in the camera.cullingMask. Layer masks can be used selectively filter game objects for example when casting rays.
// Casts a ray using the layer mask,
// which can be modified in the inspector.

var mask : LayerMask = -1; function Update () { if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, transform.forward, 100, mask.value)) { Debug.Log("Hit something"); } }
value Converts a layer mask value to an integer value.
Static Functions
LayerToName Given a layer number, returns the name of the layer as defined in either a Builtin or a User Layer in the Tag Manager.
NameToLayer Given a layer name, returns the layer index as defined by either a Builtin or a User Layer in the Tag Manager.
LayerMask Implicitly converts an integer to a LayerMask.