Access to display information.
autorotateToLandscapeLeft | Allow auto-rotation to landscape left? |
autorotateToLandscapeRight | Allow auto-rotation to landscape right? |
autorotateToPortrait | Allow auto-rotation to portrait? |
autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown | Allow auto-rotation to portrait, upside down? |
currentResolution | The current screen resolution (Read Only). |
dpi | The current DPI of the screen / device (Read Only). |
fullScreen | Is the game running fullscreen? |
GetResolution | |
height | The current height of the screen window in pixels (Read Only). |
lockCursor | Should the cursor be locked? |
orientation | Specifies logical orientation of the screen. |
resolutions | All fullscreen resolutions supported by the monitor (Read Only). |
showCursor | Should the cursor be visible? |
sleepTimeout | A power saving setting, allowing the screen to dim some time after the last active user interaction. |
width | The current width of the screen window in pixels (Read Only). |
Screen |
SetResolution | Switches the screen resolution. |