label | Optional label in front of the field. |
obj | The object the field shows. |
objType | The type of the objects that can be assigned. |
allowSceneObjects | Allow assigning scene objects. See Description for more info. |
options | An optional list of layout options that specify extra layout properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style .
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight. |
Make a field to receive any object type.
// EditorScript that quickly searches for a help page // about the selected Object. // // If no such page is found in the Manual it opens the Unity forum. import UnityEditor; class QuickHelper extends EditorWindow { var source : Object; @MenuItem("Example/QuickHelper _h") static function Init() { var window : QuickHelper = EditorWindow.GetWindowWithRect(QuickHelper, Rect(0,0,165,100)); window.Show(); } function OnGUI() { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); source = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(source, Object, true); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if(GUILayout.Button("Search!")) { if(source == null) { this.ShowNotification(GUIContent("No object selected for searching")); } else { if(Help.HasHelpForObject(source)) Help.ShowHelpForObject(source); else Help.BrowseURL(""); } } } }