Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語


When you “remove” a Unity registry package or scoped registry package from your project, the Package Manager is actually removing the project’s direct dependency from your project manifest. The result of removing the direct dependency varies, based on the dependencies for the package you are removing:

  • If there are no other packages or feature sets that have a dependency on this package, any Editor or runtime functionality that it implemented is no longer available in your project. For more information about direct and indirect dependencies, refer to Dependency and resolution.
  • If another installed package or an installed feature set depends on the package you are trying to remove, this procedure removes only the dependency from your project manifest. The package itself and all its functionality is still installed in your project, and appears in the list panel with the dependency icon .



  • Use this procedure to remove a package only if you added it to the current project by installing it, such as (but not limited to) Installing a feature set, Installing from a registry, and installing custom packages. Don’t use this procedure to try to:

    • Remove Asset Store packages that you downloaded and imported to your project. For information about removing Asset Store packages that you downloaded and imported, refer to Remove imported assets from a project.
    • Remove local asset packages that you imported to your project. For information about removing local asset packages that you imported, refer to Removing local asset packages.
  • レジストリからインストール したパッケージをこの手順で削除すると、現在のプロジェクトからそのパッケージが削除されます。他のプロジェクトに存在する同じパッケージは削除されません。また、グローバルキャッシュからも同パッケージが削除されることもありません。このアクションは Package Manager ではサポートされておらず、手動でグローバルキャッシュを操作することは推奨されません。

プロジェクトに埋め込んだ パッケージをこの手順で削除すると、Package Manager はパッケージフォルダー全体をコンピューターから削除します。一方で、他のソースからインストールされたパッケージ (ローカル パッケージを含む) を削除すると、マニフェスト内のパッケージへの参照のみが削除され、パッケージ自体とそのコンテンツはそのまま残されます。



  1. Open the Package Manager window and select In Project from the navigation panel.

    コンテキストを In Project に切り替えます。
    コンテキストを In Project に切り替えます。
  2. Select the package you want to remove from the list of packages. The details panel now displays that package’s information.

  3. Click Remove.

    If this button isn’t displayed, you might be viewing the My Assets list. Refer to Before you begin.

    If this button is disabled, you can’t remove this package. For more information, refer to Locked and non-removable packages.

    Remove button in the corner of the details panel
    Remove button in the corner of the details panel

    プログレスバーが終了すると、 パッケージはリストから消えます。

  4. 削除したパッケージを復元したい場合は、パッケージのインストール の手順に従ってください。

Note: You can remove multiple packages with one click by using the multiple select feature. For more information, refer to Perform an action on multiple packages or feature sets.


You can remove packages only if they’re not required by another package or a feature set. The Package Manager enforces this by disabling the Remove button for all required packages.

Required by 説明 
機能セット If a feature set requires the package, it displays a lock icon () in both the list panel and in the details panel. The details panel also displays the name of the feature set that requires the package below the lock icon in the details panel.

However, even if you click the Unlock button, you still can’t remove the package from your project until you remove all feature sets that require it. Unlocking the package lets you request a different version for your project, but it still doesn’t let you remove it.
別のパッケージ If one or more packages require the selected package, the Remove button is disabled. You can find the name of the package that has the dependency from the Dependencies tab in the details panel. If you don’t need the other packages, you can remove them and the Package Manager automatically removes this package too.

Note: You can unlock multiple packages with one click by using the multiple select feature. For more information, refer to Perform an action on multiple packages or feature sets.

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