Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語
パッケージ用のスクリプティング API

Package Manifest ウィンドウ

The Package Manifest window opens when you select the package manifest file (package.json) in a Packages subfolder in the Project window.


(A) Select Open to load this package manifest in your default code editor, such as Visual Studio. Select View in Package Manager to open the Package Manager window and load this package in its details panel. If you want to choose a different importer, select the Importer drop-down menu and select the package importer you want to use.

(B) The Information section has details about this specific package version.

(C) Use the Brief Description text box to specify the text that you want to appear in the details panel of the Package Manager window. For more information, refer to the documentation for the description property.

(D) Dependencies セクションを使用して、このパッケージが依存するパッケージのリストを管理します。

(E) Select Revert to discard any changes you’ve made to the manifest. Select Apply to save any changes you’ve made to the manifest.


Information セクション
Information セクション
プロパティ 説明 
Name このパッケージの公式 名称。Unity Package の場合、これは短縮名です (公式名から、先頭の com.unity. 文字列を除いたもの)。
Organization name このパッケージを作成した Unity Organization の IDです。
Display name The user-facing name on display in the Project window and the Package Manager window. For more information, refer to the documentation for the displayName property.
バージョン The package version number. For more information, refer to the documentation for the version property.
Minimal Unity version Enable this option to specify the lowest Unity version this package is compatible with. When you enable this option, the Major, Minor, and Release properties appear.

If this package is compatible with all Unity versions, clear this checkbox and remove the Major, Minor, and Release properties.

For more information, refer to the documentation for the unity property.
Major Specify the MAJOR portion of the minimal Unity version. For more information, refer to the documentation for the unity property.
Minor Specify the MINOR portion of the minimal Unity version. For more information, refer to the documentation for the unity property.
Release Specify the UPDATE and RELEASE portion of the minimal Unity version. For more information, refer to the documentation for the unityRelease property.


Dependencies セクション
Dependencies セクション

Lists the other packages that are dependencies for this package. Each entry consists of the official package name (for example, com.unity.probuilder) and its version number.


  1. Select Add . A new row appears in the list.
  2. Enter the package name on the left and the version on the right. For more information, refer to the documentation for the dependencies property.


  1. 削除するパッケージの左側にあるセレクター をクリックします。
  2. Select Remove . The row disappears from the list.

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パッケージ用のスクリプティング API