Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語

Create a tabbed menu

Version: 2023.2+

Tabbed menus are widely used in video games and application UI to organize and present content. Tab and TabView are powerful controls that simplify the process of creating tabbed menus.


This example demonstrates how to create tabbed menus in a sample scene and a custom Editor window. The menu has three tabs. Each tab presents certain content. When you select a tab, the content associated with that tab displays. The example also uses view data keys to preserve the tab orders for the Editor window.

You can find the completed files that this example creates in this GitHub repository.


このガイドは、Unity エディター、UI Toolkit、および C# スクリプトに精通している開発者を対象としています。始める前に、以下をよく理解してください。

Create a TabView

Create a UI Document and add a TabView to it.

  1. Unity で任意のテンプレートでプロジェクトを作成します。

  2. In the Assets folder, create a UI Document named TabbedMenu.uxml.

  3. TabbedMenu.uxml をダブルクリックして、UI Builder で開きます。

  4. Drag a TabView from the Library to the Hierarchy panel.

  5. In the Inspector panel of the TabView, do the following:

    • Set View Data Key to TabbedMenu.
    • Select the Reorderable checkbox.

Add tabs and tab content

Add three tabs to the TabView. For each tab, add a label as its child element which displays the tab content.

  1. Under TabView, add three Tabs.

  2. In the Inspector panel of each Tab, set Label to the following values:

    • London for the first Tab
    • Paris for the second Tab
    • Ottawa for the third Tab
  3. Set View Data Key to the following values:

    • LondonTab for the first Tab
    • ParisTab for the second Tab
    • OttawaTab for the third Tab
  4. In the Hierarchy panel, under each Tab, add a Label.

  5. In the Inspector panel of each Label, Set Text to the following values:

    • London is the capital city of England for the first Label
    • Paris is the capital of France for the second Label
    • Ottawa is the capital of Canada for the third Label


Define the layout for tabs and tab content using USS. You can style the tabs and the tab content the way you like. This example adds a background color for the selected tab and hides the tab header underline.

  1. In the Assets folder, create a stylesheet named TabbedMenu.uss.

  2. TabbedMenu.uss を開き、以下のスタイルルールを加えます。


  3. Double-click TabbedMenu.uxml to open it in UI Builder.

  4. In the StyleSheets panel, select + > Add Existing USS.

  5. Select the USS file that you created earlier.

  6. Apply .tab-content to each Label under Tab.

完成したTabbedMenu.uxml は以下のようになります。


Use the tabbed menu in a game

Create a UIDocument GameObject in the SampleScene and add the UI Document as the source asset. Create a MonoBehaviour script that attaches the tabbed menu to the game.

  1. サンプルシーンで GameObject > UI Toolkit > UI Document の順にクリックします。

  2. In the Assets folder, create a C# script namedTabbedMenu.cs with the following content:


  3. Select UIDocument in the SampleScene.

  4. In the Inspector window, select TabbedMenu.uxml from the Source Asset list.

  5. Select TabbedMenu.cs from the Add Component list.

  6. Enter Play mode.

  7. Select different tabs to see different contents.

  8. Drag the tabs to reorder them.

Use the tabbed menu in an Editor window

Create a custom Editor window and add the tabbed menu to it. You can drag the tabs to reorder them. The tab orders are saved when you close and reopen the Editor window.

  1. In the Assets folder, create a folder named Editor.

  2. In the Editor folder, create a C# script named TabbedMenuEditorWindow.cs with the following content:


  3. In the Editor, select Window > Tabbed Menu.

  4. Select different tabs to see different contents.

  5. Drag the tabs to reorder them.

  6. Close the Editor window and reopen it. The tabs orders are saved.


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