シーンビュー のウィンドウ用に、パネルオーバーレイとツールバーオーバーレイをカスタム作成できます。
ヒント: UIElements の作成に関する詳細は、開発者向けの UI 要素ガイド を参照してください。
の実装に使用するツールバー要素を登録するには、EditorToolbarElement(Identifier, EditorWindowType)
任意の VisualElement
タイプを継承してスタイリングを作成できますが、ツールバー要素には特定のスタイリングが必要です。以下の定義済みの EditorToolbar
: UnityEditor.UIElements.ToolbarButton
: UnityEditor.UIElements.ToolbarToggle
: EditorToolbarButton
: UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseField
に基づきます。ヒント: ツールバーが水平または垂直にドッキングされている場合、そのテキストが表示されなかったり、(途中で切れて) 一部しか表示されないことがあります。テキストが切れて一部しか表示されない状態を避けるために、各ツールバーにアイコンを指定することが可能です。
All overlays must inherit from the Overlay base class and implement the CreatePanelContent method. This creates a basic panel that you can use and that you can add toolbar elements to.
Editor フォルダー 内に新しい C# スクリプト を作成します。
名前空間から Overlay
CreatePanelContent 関数をオーバーライドし、ビジュアル要素にコンテンツを追加します。
クラスに OverlayAttribute 属性を追加します。
クラスに Icon
属性を追加し、アイコンを指定します。オーバーレイにアイコンがない場合は、システムがデフォルトで、オーバーレイの名前の最初の 2 文字または最初の 2 語の最初の 2 文字を使用します。
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Overlays;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
[Overlay(typeof(SceneView), "Panel Overlay Example", true)]
public class MyToolButtonOverlay : Overlay
public override VisualElement CreatePanelContent()
var root = new VisualElement() { name = "My Toolbar Root" };
root.Add(new Label() { text = "Hello" });
return root;
ID を渡すパラメーターなしのコンストラクターを実装します。パネルオーバーレイとは異なり、コンテンツが、収集されて一連の要素のまとまりを形成する独立した部分部分として定義されます。
の実装に使用するツールバー要素を登録するには、EditorToolbarElement(Identifier, EditorWindowType)
属性を使用して行います。アイコンは、オーバーレイが折り畳まれた時に表示されます。オーバーレイにアイコンがない場合は、オーバーレイの名前の最初の 2 文字 (または最初の 2 語の最初の 2 文字) が、オーバーレイが折り畳まれた時に表示されます。オーバーレイに ToolbarOverlay
インターフェイスは ツールバーのみに使用します。要素はそのコンテキストを認識しません。DropdownToggleExample
以下は、Element Toolbars Example という名前のオーバーレイの例で、これらのツールバー要素を示したものです。
属性で定義されるツールバーアイコンがあります。このアイコンは、オーバーレイが折り畳まれた時に表示されます。 using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.EditorTools;
using UnityEditor.Toolbars;
using UnityEditor.Overlays;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
using UnityEditor;
// Use [EditorToolbarElement(Identifier, EditorWindowType)] to register toolbar elements for use in ToolbarOverlay implementation.
[EditorToolbarElement(id, typeof(SceneView))]
class DropdownExample : EditorToolbarDropdown
public const string id = "ExampleToolbar/Dropdown";
static string dropChoice = null;
public DropdownExample()
text = "Axis";
clicked += ShowDropdown;
void ShowDropdown()
var menu = new GenericMenu();
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("X"), dropChoice == "X", () => { text = "X"; dropChoice = "X"; });
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Y"), dropChoice == "Y", () => { text = "Y"; dropChoice = "Y"; });
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Z"), dropChoice == "Z", () => { text = "Z"; dropChoice = "Z"; });
[EditorToolbarElement(id, typeof(SceneView))]
class ToggleExample : EditorToolbarToggle
public const string id = "ExampleToolbar/Toggle";
public ToggleExample()
text = "Toggle OFF";
void Test(ChangeEvent<bool> evt)
if (evt.newValue)
text = "Toggle ON";
text = "Toggle OFF";
[EditorToolbarElement(id, typeof(SceneView))]
class DropdownToggleExample : EditorToolbarDropdownToggle, IAccessContainerWindow
public const string id = "ExampleToolbar/DropdownToggle";
// This property is specified by IAccessContainerWindow and is used to access the Overlay's EditorWindow.
public EditorWindow containerWindow { get; set; }
static int colorIndex = 0;
static readonly Color[] colors = new Color[] { Color.red, Color.green, Color.cyan };
public DropdownToggleExample()
text = "Color Bar";
tooltip = "Display a color rectangle in the top left of the Scene view. Toggle on or off, and open the dropdown" +
"to change the color.";
// When the dropdown is opened, ShowColorMenu is invoked and we can create a popup menu.
dropdownClicked += ShowColorMenu;
// Subscribe to the Scene view OnGUI callback so that we can draw our color swatch.
SceneView.duringSceneGui += DrawColorSwatch;
void DrawColorSwatch(SceneView view)
// Test that this callback is for the Scene View that we're interested in, and also check if the toggle is on
// or off (value).
if (view != containerWindow || !value)
GUI.color = colors[colorIndex];
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(8, 8, 120, 24), Texture2D.whiteTexture);
GUI.color = Color.white;
// When the dropdown button is clicked, this method will create a popup menu at the mouse cursor position.
void ShowColorMenu()
var menu = new GenericMenu();
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Red"), colorIndex == 0, () => colorIndex = 0);
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Green"), colorIndex == 1, () => colorIndex = 1);
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Blue"), colorIndex == 2, () => colorIndex = 2);
[EditorToolbarElement(id, typeof(SceneView))]
class CreateCube : EditorToolbarButton//, IAccessContainerWindow
// This ID is used to populate toolbar elements.
public const string id = "ExampleToolbar/Button";
// IAccessContainerWindow provides a way for toolbar elements to access the `EditorWindow` in which they exist.
// Here we use `containerWindow` to focus the camera on our newly instantiated objects after creation.
//public EditorWindow containerWindow { get; set; }
// Because this is a VisualElement, it is appropriate to place initialization logic in the constructor.
// In this method you can also register to any additional events as required. In this example there is a tooltip, an icon, and an action.
public CreateCube()
// A toolbar element can be either text, icon, or a combination of the two. Keep in mind that if a toolbar is
// docked horizontally the text will be clipped, so usually it's a good idea to specify an icon.
text = "Create Cube";
icon = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>("Assets/CreateCubeIcon.png");
tooltip = "Instantiate a cube in the scene.";
clicked += OnClick;
// This method will be invoked when the `Create Cube` button is clicked.
void OnClick()
var newObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube).transform;
// When writing editor tools don't forget to be a good citizen and implement Undo!
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newObj.gameObject, "Create Cube");
//if (containerWindow is SceneView view)
// view.FrameSelected();
// All Overlays must be tagged with the OverlayAttribute
[Overlay(typeof(SceneView), "ElementToolbars Example")]
// IconAttribute provides a way to define an icon for when an Overlay is in collapsed form. If not provided, the name initials are used.
// Toolbar Overlays must inherit `ToolbarOverlay` and implement a parameter-less constructor. The contents of a toolbar are populated with string IDs, which are passed to the base constructor. IDs are defined by EditorToolbarElementAttribute.
public class EditorToolbarExample : ToolbarOverlay
// ToolbarOverlay implements a parameterless constructor, passing the EditorToolbarElementAttribute ID.
// This is the only code required to implement a toolbar Overlay. Unlike panel Overlays, the contents are defined
// as standalone pieces that will be collected to form a strip of elements.
EditorToolbarExample() : base(
{ }
ツールバー要素の制御は、UIToolkit でこれに相当するものと同じですが、一部のツールバー機能と特定のスタイリングを継承しています。
[EditorToolbarElement(id, typeof(SceneView))]
class CreateCube : EditorToolbarButton
// This ID is used to populate toolbar elements.
public const string id = "ExampleToolbar/Button";
// Because this is a VisualElement, it is appropriate to place initialization logic in the constructor.
// In this method you can also register to any additional events as required. In this example there is a tooltip, an icon, and an action.
public CreateCube()
// A toolbar element can be either text, icon, or a combination of the two. Keep in mind that if a toolbar is docked horizontally the text will be clipped, so it's a good idea to specify an icon.
text = "Create Cube";
icon = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>("Assets/CreateCubeIcon.png");
tooltip = "Instantiate a cube in the scene.";
clicked += OnClick;
void OnClick()
var newObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube).transform;
// When writing editor tools, don't forget to be a good citizen and implement Undo.
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newObj.gameObject, "Create Cube");
// Note: Using ObjectFactory class instead of GameObject(like in this example) will register the undo entry automatically removing the need to register manually.
Overlay コンストラクターに要素の ID を追加します。
[Overlay(typeof(SceneView), "ElementToolbar Example")]
public class EditorToolbarExample : ToolbarOverlay
EditorToolbarExample() : base(CreateCube.id) { }
[EditorToolbarElement(id, typeof(SceneView))]
class ToggleExample : EditorToolbarToggle
public const string id = "ExampleToolbar/Toggle";
public ToggleExample()
text = "Toggle OFF";
// Register the class to a callback for when the toggle’s state changes
void OnStateChange(ChangeEvent<bool> evt)
if (evt.newValue)
// Put logic for when the state is ON here
Debug.Log("Toggle State -> ON");
text = "Toggle ON";
// Put logic for when the state is OFF here
Debug.Log("Toggle State -> OFF");
text = "Toggle OFF";
Overlay コンストラクターに要素の ID を追加します。
[[Overlay(typeof(SceneView), "ElementToolbar Example")]
public class EditorToolbarExample : ToolbarOverlay
EditorToolbarExample() : base(
) { }
[EditorToolbarElement(id, typeof(SceneView))]
class DropdownExample : EditorToolbarDropdown
public const string id = "ExampleToolbar/Dropdown";
static string dropChoice = null;
public DropdownExample()
text = "Axis";
clicked += ShowDropdown;
void ShowDropdown()
// A simple GenericMenu to populate the dropdown content
var menu = new GenericMenu();
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("X"), dropChoice == "X", () => { text = "X"; dropChoice = "X"; });
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Y"), dropChoice == "Y", () => { text = "Y"; dropChoice = "Y"; });
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Z"), dropChoice == "Z", () => { text = "Z"; dropChoice = "Z"; });
Overlay コンストラクターに要素の ID を追加します。
[Overlay(typeof(SceneView), "ElementToolbar Example")]
public class EditorToolbarExample : ToolbarOverlay
EditorToolbarExample() : base(
) { }
[EditorToolbarElement(id, typeof(SceneView))]
class DropdownToggleExample : EditorToolbarDropdownToggle, IAccessContainerWindow
public const string id = "ExampleToolbar/DropdownToggle";
// This property is specified by IAccessContainerWindow and is used to access the Overlay's EditorWindow.
public EditorWindow containerWindow { get; set; }
static int colorIndex = 0;
static readonly Color[] colors = new Color[] { Color.red, Color.green, Color.cyan };
public DropdownToggleExample()
text = "Color Bar";
tooltip = "Display a color rectangle in the top left of the Scene view. Toggle on or off, and open the dropdown" +
"to change the color.";
// When the dropdown is opened, ShowColorMenu is invoked and you can create a pop-up menu.
dropdownClicked += ShowColorMenu;
// Subscribe to the Scene view OnGUI callback to draw a color swatch.
SceneView.duringSceneGui += DrawColorSwatch;
void DrawColorSwatch(SceneView view)
// Test that this callback is for the correct Scene view, and check if the toggle is on
// or off (value).
if (view != containerWindow || !value)
GUI.color = colors[colorIndex];
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(8, 8, 120, 24), Texture2D.whiteTexture);
GUI.color = Color.white;
// When the drop-down button is clicked, this method creates a pop-up menu at the mouse cursor position.
void ShowColorMenu()
var menu = new GenericMenu();
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Red"), colorIndex == 0, () => colorIndex = 0);
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Green"), colorIndex == 1, () => colorIndex = 1);
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Blue"), colorIndex == 2, () => colorIndex = 2);
Overlay コンストラクターに要素の ID を追加します。
[Overlay(typeof(SceneView), "ElementToolbar Example")]
public class EditorToolbarExample : ToolbarOverlay
EditorToolbarExample() : base(
) { }
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