Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語


Starting with Unity Editor version 2019.1, you can add samples to a package. A sample might be a piece of example code, some shaders and textures, some animation, or any other files that you can usually find under the project’s Assets folder.

When you open the Package Manager window and select a package containing samples, an Import button appears in the package’s details panel for each sample in the package. When you select Import, the Package Manager copies the whole subfolder structure for that sample under the project’s Assets folder.


  1. Put the asset files or example C# code files under the Samples~ folder. You can have more than one sample in a package; each subfolder of the Samples~ folder has one sample.

    Note: The tilde character (~) tells Unity to ignore the contents the Samples~ folder. Such folders aren’t tracked with .meta files.

  2. package.json マニフェストファイルの samples 配列の下に 各サンプルの JSON オブジェクト を加えます。


サンプルアセットは、パッケージの Samples~ フォルダーーのサブフォルダーーに加えることができます。例えば、シェーダーのサンプルを集めたパッケージは以下のようになります。

  ├── package.json
  └── Samples~
        ├── SamplesHDRP
        │    ├── Textures
        │    |     ├── MossyRock.bmp
        │    |     └── SandyRock.bmp
        │    └── Shader
        │          ├── Lit Texture Blend HDRP.ShaderGraph
        │          └── Lit Vertex Color HDRP.ShaderGraph
        └── SamplesStandard
        │    ├── Textures
        │    |     ├── MossyRock.bmp
        │    |     └── SandyRock.bmp
        │    └── Shader
        │          ├── StandardTextureBlend.shader
        │          └── StandardVertexColor.shader
        └── SamplesUniversalRP
             ├── Textures
             |     ├── MossyRock.bmp
             |     └── SandyRock.bmp
             └── Shader
                   ├── Lit Texture Blend URP.ShaderGraph
                   └── Lit Vertex Color URP.ShaderGraph


Add a JSON array called samples to the package.json file. For each sample, add a JSON object containing at least the displayName and the path to the samples folder:

キー 説明 
displayName The name of the sample as it appears in the package details in the Package Manager window.
description A brief description of what the sample demonstrates or contains. This is just for the package manifest. The description doesn’t appear in the interface, even as a tooltip.
path Samples~ フォルダーからサンプルのルートフォルダーへのパスです。

For example, using the same structure as the example for Location of sample files, the samples section looks similar to this:

    "samples": [
            "displayName": "HDRP Shaders",
            "description": "Contains sample shaders for the High Definition render pipeline",
            "path": "Samples~/SamplesHDRP"
            "displayName": "URP Shaders",
            "description": "Contains sample shaders for the Universal render pipeline",
            "path": "Samples~/SamplesUniversalRP"
            "displayName": "Standard RP Shaders",
            "description": "Contains sample shaders for the Standard render pipeline",
            "path": "Samples~/SamplesStandard"